Chapter 1

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It was a regular school day, like any other, or so Kaminari thought. As class ended he was excited to finally go to his dorm and relax until he heard Aizawa call out his name. "Kaminari, stay here, we need to talk." Kaminari never liked hearing those words, it was almost always bad news.

So after everyone else had left the class, Kaminari stayed, keeping his usual smile on his face to hide how much he was panicking. "Listen," Aizawa spoke. "You've been failing in most subjects, what's your excuse?"

"Well uh… it's uhm-" Kaminari's smile was faltering as he tried to gather his words. "It's just hard for me to focus. It's not like I don't want to or anything or that I'm not trying! I mean uhm.. uh I-.. I really do wanna be able to focus and stuff, it's just really hard!" He explained, he felt like his stomach was turning as he spoke. Nonetheless, he still tried to keep his smile.

"Kaminari, I'll have a talk with your parents about this. For now, I'll assign you a tutor. I'll ask another student and you'll start tutoring with them by tomorrow, got it?" Aizawa asked the blond boy.

"Y-yessir!" Answered Kaminari, he could feel his stomach turn more.

'Aizawa sensei is going to talk to my parents, I'm screwed! Besides, who am I even tutoring with? Momo's smart right? Maybe her? Wait, what if it's Iida? I'm gonna die of boredom! Hopefully it's Momo, she's pretty.'  Kaminari thought.

"Hey, are you just gonna stand there and stare off into space all day?" A voice called from the door, it was Aizawa, right about to leave the classroom. "Uh- no! Of course not! I was just uhm- thinking…" Kaminari answered as he left the classroom and went back to his dorm.

As the blond boy walked away, Aizawa went to knock on the dorm of a certain blue haired boy. Iida got up from the book he was reading and opened the door."good afternoon, Aizawa sensei." He said with a bow. "Is there anything you may need from me?" Asked the blue-haired boy.  "Yes, in fact. I want to know if you have any time in your schedule to tutor Kaminari." "Yes, of course, Aizawa sensei!" "Great, you two will start by tomorrow." Aizawa then walked away and Iida closed his door.

And now, for the last thing for Aizawa to do today, to call Kaminari's parents. It was a simple task, call them, explain that he needed to see them in person so they could talk, and that was that. And after that task, Aizawa could finally go to sleep.


Finally, the next day class had ended. The rest of the bakusquad came up to Kaminari. "Hey! Me and the others are going to the mall today if you wanna come with?" Mina offered to the electric boy. "Sorry, I can't, I have tutoring today." kaminari said with a chuckle whilst scratching the back of his neck. "Awww, man, would've been fun" Sero shrugged. "Not surprised an idiot like him'd need a tutor! Tch!" Bakugou said before walking off. "Come on, let's go already!" Said the angry blonde, the rest of his squad except Kaminari following behind him.

Kaminari still hadn't been told who was tutoring him yet, he figured Aizawa would tell him soon, right? His tutoring started today, right?

Just as he thought that, him and Iida's names were called. "Iida, Kaminari, front of the classroom, now."

'Wait, are we in trouble? No, that can't be it. Iida could never get in trouble, he's not that kind of guy! Oh no, don't tell me he's tutoring me!' Kaminari had many, many thoughts swirling through his head as he walked up to his teacher.

"Kaminari, Iida will be tutoring you from now on." 'Damn it!' "Iida, you'll only have to tutor him on weekdays, however what else you may do with your schedule is out of my control. Anyway, I'll be taking a nap now, you two will sort out what you'll do." Aizawa explained before getting in his comfortable and warm sleeping bag and falling into slumber.

"Well, it is a pleasure to be tutoring you Kaminari. I believe it'd be most efficient to start right now and-" Kaminari tuned out the rest of whatever Iida was saying, it couldn't be that important, right?

"Kaminari! Are you even listening to me?" In an instant, the blond was snapped out of his thoughts. "Hehe sorry, dude! I kinda wasn't." He said with his typical goofy grin. The taller blue haired boy sighed as he pushed up his glasses. "I guess I should keep things short to fit your attention span then. Would you like to go to your dorm or mine?" 

"Yours, it's definitely wayyyy cleaner than mine at the moment." The blond answered.  "My dorm it is then. Follow me." Iida commanded as he led Kaminari to his dorm. As Kaminari expected, it was neat, not much out of the ordinary except for the taller boy's entire shelf of glasses. His room smelled like the pages of a newly opened book, nerdy scent for a nerdy man.

Kaminari stretched as he sat down on Iida's bed. "Soooo, how's this gonna go?" "Well, I have created a study plan for you. This all depends on cooperation. We'll go through the questions together and if you don't know something then I'll try to break it down for you the best I can. I hope to learn more about how your brain works during this process to optimize-" and at this point Kaminari stopped listening, he got the jist already. Plus, he was more focussed on Iida's hand chops than anything. He had to admit, Iida had some nice hands, built fingers, fingernails that weren't bitten to be short like the blond's.

"Kaminari! You should listen-" Iida cut himself off before sighing. "Right, your attention span, I must keep things short by cutting out unnecessary details. Now, let us begin studying!" The boy proclaimed.

"Huh? Right now? But I-" "no buts, we must start!" Kaminari pouted but begrudgingly went along with it. He had been tutored by Iida for two hours that day, that then becoming the agreed upon time Iida would tutor Kaminari for each day. Something about the way Iida taught him was different from how he was usually taught.

Iida was patient, he didn't make remarks on the blond's intelligence, it felt like he actually cared. Instead of being ridiculed for when he got something wrong, Kaminari was praised for what he got right. It was nowhere near as boring as the blonde thought it'd be, he actually enjoyed this, he looked forward to it. Not only that but also with the way Iida explained things, using examples of things he knew Kaminari liked to keep him interested, Kaminari could actually understand everything now! It was great!

Once they were finished, Kaminari was left with a fuzzy feeling in his stomach. Maybe it was just from being appreciated? Couldn't be anything else, right? Oh well, this feeling isn't important right now. "Thank you so much, Iida! You're a life saver!" Kaminari thanked as he got up to leave the blue-haired boy's dorm. "It is my pleasure. I hope that your grades will be able to improve from here." And so the two said their goodbyes and went off to do their own things for the night.

Heyo y'all, I'm still very much an amateur writer so this will definitely have it's flaws :D but hey! That's part of the process, ya know? Anyway, gonna state here and now that I hc Kaminari to have ADHD and I'm incorporating that into this story ^^ anyway, I hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter!

Tutoring Gone Wrong, Gone Romantic| A Kamiida FicWhere stories live. Discover now