maybe in another life, my fictional love

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I'm so selfish.

I know there is no possible outcome where we will both be happy,

there is no happy ending for us.

I saw the end before it begun,

and yet I carried on.

Because I am so fucking selfish when I know that in the end,

all we will feel is pain.

The pain and loss of knowing that however long we get to be together,

it will never last.

Because how can it last if I have a life to live here and you have a life to live there.

I can't take that away from you,

no matter how much you beg me to stay.

That is the price I have to pay.

It sucks,

living in different realities.

Not being able to look up at the same moon at night or gaze at the same stars as you.

Not being able to breathe the same air or feel the same sun on my skin as you.

It sucks,

loving you.

But I still do regardless.

I'd do anything for you.

Even if it means tearing my heart in two.

Because a part of my heart will always belong to you.


my fictional loveWhere stories live. Discover now