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It had been a long trainride. I'm not exactly sure how long but I know that it was more than 4 hours. Still not sure if it was worth it; a long, headache-inducing, hot, trainride. All for a school that I hate, people I hate, and classes I'm exceeding expectations at.

It didn't help that my asshole of a brother was popular and was practically the entire reason people even knew who I was. I was Pretty-Boy Diggory's baby sister. Even though he's only a year older than me.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by what felt like a large wall. But when I looked up it was the exact opposite of what I wanted it to be.
"Hey, hey, he- little Diggory I see. What are you doing right next to the boys restroom?"

Fred. Motherfucking. Weasley.
He was more popular than my brother, he had all the girls at his feet, and he did all of these while being the funniest motherfucker I've ever met. But he doesnt need to know that.
"Watch it Weasley I was just getting out of your way." I said trying to push past him but he stopped me.

"Not so fast pretty girl. You didn't answer my question did you darling?"
God he was so infuriating, but he was so attractive.

"Did I stutter Fred? I said watch it." I said keeping a brave face and pushing past him with a strong arm and a glare that could kill. I could hear his chuckling behind me but I didn't stop until I reached the exit of the train.

On my way to the school I could see the little 1st years getting smaller and smaller the closer they got to the castle. I wasn't paying attention when a young ginger  girl probably about 3 years younger than me came and sat with me. She had another friend who I recognized as Luna Lovegood following close behind on the carriages. My house wasn't the nicest to her. "I'm Ginny Weasley" the first girl said sticking out her hand with a sweet smile. She was just like her brother. Not the infuriating one but George, the sweet one. She had freckles dancing across her face like stars. She also had bright green eyes that contrasted nicely next to her bright orange hair.

"Amara Diggory." I said lightly shaking her hand as to not scare her off. When the small girl Luna handed me 3 rocks. I recognized them as amethyst, rose quartz, and tigers eye.

"You have very negative energy around you. These should help." She said with a soft smile and a slight Irish accent. I kindly accepted the rocks and put them into the pocket of my jacket.

"I'm Lun-"
"She's Luna Lovegood. Sorry Luna but if you want people to be nice to you, you have to stop being so kind." I thought both young girls were lovely. Different, but lovely nonetheless. That's when I noticed a boy with them. He had been quiet the whole time. I think his name was Neville but again i only know this because my fellow house mates are not the nicest to him.
"You're Neville, correct?" He nodded and blushed a little probably from the fact I knew his name.
"It was nice to meet you Amara l, what year are you?" Luna asked in that sweet light voice she had.
"6th year. And you?" I asked all three.
They were all so sweet I don't see how any of them could be disliked.

We finally got off the carriages and went into the Great Hall. When I first sat down I already had a paper crane flying over to me. I opned it carefully hoping it wasn't made of an exploding snap card.
When I opened it, it read

"Miss me pretty girl ;)"
I immediately knew who had sent this and turned my head to see none other than the ginger.

This chapter was short but I had to introduce the protagonists soon to be friends somehow

Teenage Troubles: Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now