Chapter 17: Dognapping

Start from the beginning

She hated rain. 

She loathed rain. 

She wished it was any other element except rain.

And yet despite it being four in the morning, she feigned a lively, yet poised, walk towards the grey, pineapple-headed ninja all while internally writhing as each small, sprinkling drop seemed to leave behind an uncomfortable pit-pat of echoed imagery all around her.

Stopping a short distance away from him, she lifted her head slightly as she waved a lone finger back and forth.

"Look Kakashi, we're kind of stuck together here, so we might as well make the most of it. Besides, I hate fighting with someone who's supposed to be on the same side as me."

She tried to sense his heartbeat at that last phrase, but with each annoying droplet of rain, his infuriating silence, and not being able to fully see his face for a single hint of expression, she continued. 

"Or perhaps, better yet, you could just not talk to me...that will work. It's not like I'm not used to talking to myself."

No response. 

"I have a life outside the constant babysitting you know. I mean, what makes you think your life is worth more than mine? I've got things to do too, but it doesn't help to have someone constantly on your trail..."

She paused, but again, received no response.

"...c-constantly on your trail and with all the added pressure. I know you don't trust me. Cause believe you me, I know. And I know you know, I don't trust you. It's only a matter of time before-"

"Are you done?"

"What makes you think your life is worth anything at all?" she quipped.

At this, Kakashi swiftly pulled out a kunai, the sharp edges gleaming from the morning mist as he held it in front of her face.

In turn, Kintsugi had instinctually gripped her hands around the long blade she always carried, the tip gleaming in response beneath the robe she wore.

"Whoa! Hold on a sec," Akari spoke hurriedly as she stepped closer to Kintsugi.

"Stay back," Kintsugi growled.

"Well, no, you see...I kinda feel like I caused a misunderstanding between you and your,,, partner?

The woman beside her scoffed in reply.

"Look, I should let you know that I was the one that broke down the door," Akari said as she turned to Kakashi, hesitating as he cocked a brow towards Kintsugi in return.

"I already told you I would take the credit, so you can shut your mouth right now and go back to your rat's hole because I don't need your two cents at the moment," Kintsugi said with closed eyes and a tight smile.

It was Akari's turn to scoff as she flushed red all over again.


"This wouldn't be happening if you hadn't minded your own business in the first place."

"YOU were the one making noise while people were trying to sleep."

"Says the person who just admitted to breaking down my door."

Akari's eyes bored into Kintsugi's as the other rubbed her own forehead in frustration. 

"You know what? You should stab her with your knife," Akari said turning to Kakashi only to be surprised as he suddenly began to speak and ignore her completely.

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