Main Trio :]

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This dumbass website is being glitchy asf and not letting me upload photos soooo I'll just upload the photos later.

Ight it's the next day and it works now lol I uploaded it at the bottom of the page 

Max: Okay so for Max I personally headcanon him as bi. There's a bit of controversy when it comes to Max's gender and sexuality but let me justify myself. I'm like 90% percent sure he's bi, or at least in some way attracted to both males and females. It's been shown that he has attraction to females, considering how much he.. wants to look at boobs? LMAO anyways- so I don't think he's gay because he has shown signs of being attracted to girls I suppose. On the other hand, I don't think he's straight either. In the episode Jermy Fartz, Max almost says the F slur. I'm like 99% sure he's aware of its meaning and that straight people can't say it. And I don't think he said it because he's homophobic. In that one episode where they had to take care of eggs or whatever, Neil says "That's queer." In which Max responds with "Don't say that, Neil." So therefore I think he's bi and there ain't shit you can do about it >:]

PS: I've seen people headcanon him as transmasc, which is totally cool and I guess I can kind of see it, I just personally don't hc him as trans but if you do that's totally valid! 

Nikki: Alrighty! So I've seen many headcanons for Nikki so lemme tell y'all mine! I personally headcanon her as Panromantic Asexual! I can't say I have any proof from the show, cuz I don't, she just honestly gives me those vibes. I headcanon her to use she/it/pup pronouns and probably other neopronouns too! I've seen some people headcanon her as lesbian, which I can kind of see I guess. 

Neil: Okay sooo. I headcanon Neil as Pansexual and **MAYBE** transmasc?? Idrk. Definitely pan tho. At some point I headcanoned him as gay but my opinion has changed since then. This time I have proof! If you guys remember the prom episode, Neil is kinda just like.. doing whatever. Then Erin comes up and makes a comment related to science, and THATS what makes him attracted to her. This means that it wasn't her looks or gender that made him develop a crush on her, but rather her personality and interests. 

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