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You stared at your inbox in disbelief as you read your email from Jujutsu Tech.

To: L/N, F/N

From: Jujutsu Tech

After many weeks of looking over your profile, I am honored to be the one to congratulate you on your admission to our program. We are an elite group of sorcerers whose goal is to raise young individuals and train them to become strong members of society in hopes of making the world a better place. We have attached a train ticket to this email scheduled to send you from your current location to our school by next week. We have living accommodations set up for you that will be taken care of fully by our school.

You will be partnered up with one of our sorcerers and work alongside him during your time here. He is well respected and expects nothing but the best.

Again, congratulations! We look forward to having you join our organization!


Head of Jujutsu Tech Admissions

Did I just get accepted into one of the most prestigious Sorcerer groups in Japan?! This was too good to be true.

You look over the email once more, only to be lost in words. Never in a million years did you think that you'd get accepted.

Info about Y/N

Being a Jujutsu Sorcerer has always been a dream of yours. You understand that it's a very classified and dangerous workplace and will have to be kept a secret from others. You've always had a good moral direction and wish to keep your world a safer place.

Your parents had the ability to become sorcerers, but never pursued a career in it because of the dangers it would have brought to you. Unfortunately, the curses still managed to get to your family, which led to the death of both your parents. You were 15 at the time, and your relatives decided it would be best to let you live on your own; you assumed it was because they didn't want to get involved with these curses that killed your mom and dad. You completely understood this and agreed to live on your own to protect your relatives.

The death of your parents left something in you; it left a sense of injustice. They didn't deserve what happened to them.

From then on, you vowed that you would become a great sorcerer and master the cursed technique that you developed from your parents. Your technique allows you to create illusions that confuse the opponents and gives off their worst fears and weaknesses. Knowing that this wouldn't be enough to take them down, you also picked up a couple of fighting styles (your personal favorite being krav maga), and the Katana. Although it may look like your traditional katana, it is actually forged with special materials used by sorcerers that are very effective when fighting curses.

Back to Present

You close your laptop and take a deep breath.

Everything you worked so hard for is finally going to pay off. All those years of practicing your technique while still having to attend a normal school and keep your grades up will be worth it.

It's only 7 pm, I could probably run to the cafe and celebrate this achievement by eating a pastry with tea.

You get up from your seat and open up your closet. It's almost wintertime, so the weather is starting to get a bit cooler. You put on (whatever clothes you would wear in cool weather) and walk out the door.

On your way to the cafe, you decide to talk to your landlord in her office and explain that your new job will be providing housing and that you will be moving out by next week.

After filling out the necessary paperwork, you walk out of the office and go on your way to the cafe. The sky is a beautiful mix of orange and violet. You close your eyes as the cool breeze hits your face. Each step you took had a small hop to it, you couldn't help it! It still hasn't hit you that you got your dream job.

You arrive at the cafe. You open the door with a smile on your face. Nothing could ruin the mood you're in!

Or so you thought.

When walking up to the cashier, a large man suddenly bumps into you, spilling his hot coffee on your left shoulder. When the hot drink reaches your skin, you let out a sharp hiss, feeling the heat irritate your skin.

Out of anger, you lose your composure and yell, "Hey what the fuck, man?! Watch where you're going next time."

You look up to the man who spilled his drink on you. He's wearing a 3-piece suit with a funky-looking tie and... what you think look like goggles??

Obviously irritated by the loss of his drink and the person yelling at him, he finally makes eye contact with you.

"Tch, I was obviously walking in this direction. Maybe you should have been more careful with where you were going. Besides, you should learn to respect your elders. What are you, a college student?" he says in a deep voice, which caught you by surprise.

"Hmph, thanks for the compliment, but no, I'm not a college student. I graduated university a few years ago and am now 25 years old working a full-time job," you say with a smirk. "You know what, I don't have time for this. You're lucky I'm in a good mood today. Here are 600 yen for the coffee." you sigh as you pull out your wallet, doing your best to find the amount you offered him.

The blonde man is impressed with how quickly you were able to change your mood. Before he could get any words out, you grab his hand and put the change in it.

"Sorry about the coffee, grandpa. Don't worry about my top you ruined," you say as you turn around and walk up to the cashier.

Clearly offended by the "grandpa" nickname, he swears under his breath and says, "I'm 26, you little brat", and begins walking out the door without even ordering another coffee.

"Tch, whatever, pops. 40-year-old lookin ass."

Unbothered by this, you order your pastry and tea, pay, and walk back to your apartment.

This day was definitely an interesting one. Next week can't come soon enough.

After a few more minutes of walking, you arrive at your apartment. Before doing anything else, you have to change out of your coffee-stained top.

Man, I really like this top too... you thought, walking to your room in defeat.

"Why'd I even pay him back for the coffee? He's the one that soiled my clothes. I hope I never see him again, it'd be too embarrassing after that scene I caused."

You decide that you might as well take a shower, you couldn't stand the feeling of the sticky coffee on your skin.

After your shower, you change into (whatever you wear to sleep in the cold) and enjoy your pastry and tea, which was now cold thanks to a certain someone.

You look to your right and see a framed photo of you with your family. It was the last photo ever taken of all of you together.

"Don't worry guys, I'll make sure to become a sorcerer you two can be proud of. Just you wait."









(A/N) HEY EVERYONEEEE!! <3 thank you so much for reading the first chapter of my new series, One Whole Week. I apologize about how short this one is, the next chapters will most likely be a bit longer!!! As noted in the description of this story, the main plot begins when they realize that they have to share a bed for a whole week. This chapter was just the two (spoiler alert) future love birds meeting for the first time. I will try my best to update this story once every 1 or 2 weeks!

Peace out~

One Whole Week... (Nanami x Reader) (One Bed Trope)Where stories live. Discover now