Like Instinct

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for RayEmma Week Day 3 || Youth & Handholding
 I present you...
this humble mini-fluff



Emma couldn't say for sure how it became this way.
But Ray could.

The memories were like small flowers pressed in between the pages of a thick, well-worn book. The kind that would cause it to fall open to that very spot as soon as it was taken off the shelf.

It began one day when they were very young.

"Come on, Ray," Emma cajoled, reaching out for his hand and taking it in her own, "I want you to play with us!"

He rolled his eyes and looked away, but for reasons indiscernible to him at the time, his face felt quite warm.

"But you promised yesterday!" she cried, even though she knew he hadn't. Nevertheless, she wasn't going to let him be alone. That's why she refused to let go of his hand until he quit protesting and finally followed her outside to the front yard to join them all for tag. She knew Ray wouldn't give in every day, but for now it made her more than happy that he was with her.

To everyone's shock but Emma's and Norman's, Ray won the game. In good-spirited defeat, everyone soon dispersed across the lawn in little groups of twos and threes. Ray decidedly took a seat under the large tree and looked on as he relaxed in the shade. Surprisingly he'd really enjoyed himself.

Emma soon plopped down beside him. "So, wanna play again tomorrow?" she asked excitedly.

"Nope," he replied with ease as he closed his eyes and laid his head back against the tree trunk. He may have had a lot of fun, but it's not like he had the energy for this kind of socialization every day.

She groaned but still looked hopeful. She thought quietly to herself for a moment until an idea seemed to strike her. Then she immediately took his hands again and pulled him to face her.

"W-What?" Ray sputtered, a little flustered at the sudden touch.

"If you won't play, then why don't you read outside instead? Look how nice it is here! You can read in the shade, and then I can still see you while I'm playing," she said, as if it were the most logical thing ever.

And it was. He couldn't deny it. Well, maybe the handholding twice in one day was fogging up his logic a tiny bit, but he found himself completely unable to disagree. Somehow, it was like her little hopes were flowing into him, making him see things her way as long as she was holding his hand.

So the next day, without a second thought, he did exactly as she asked.
And the next day.
And the next... until soon the tree had earned the nickname "Ray's spot."

For a while, he tried not to think too much about why he did it, just telling himself She's really persuasive is all...

But then it happened again.

"Ray, promise me..." whispered Emma desperately as she clutched both his hands in hers, "promise me you won't tell Mama that I spilled milk on my library book again! What do I do?"

She'd run across the house with tears in her eyes to ask for his help, so how could he refuse?

Instead of scolding her like usual, he gruffly whispered back, "I'll fix it." But when he went to walk away a feeling like magnetism seemed to radiate from his hands. He didn't want her to let go. So under the ruse of having her lead him to the site of the spill, he quietly enjoyed her one hand that was still holding on tight to his.

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