Minutes go by, still scrolling on Pinterest, Eren still sleep. You were kind of shocked because since he's a model - shouldn't he be on a schedule like daily, but these are probably his only days off to rest and relax.

"Okay y'all get up." Janelle swung your door open. Eren sat up and used his elbows to support him up. "Why is this white man in your room?" Janelle interjected.

Eren rubs his eyes, "I'm not white I'm German." He said in a sleep, just now waking up tone.

You and Janelle faced each other with disgusted looks then turned to Eren.

"It's still white."

"Yeah nigga you still white." You added then laughed a little.

"Well. I'm not American-white." Eren backed up his previous statement.

"Yeah yeah, whatever white boy. Are y'all coming to the mall?"

"When?" You looked back down at your phone.

"Right now. Everyone from last night gon be there."

"Wait, where did they even go last night?" Eren interjected.

"They went to Armin's house. But are y'all coming or not."

"Ummm." You fiddled with your phone case.

"Umm nothing. Y/n you know damn well you got nothing to do."

"You right." You looked at Eren. "Can you come?"

"Yeah. Can I use your shower though?"

"Yeah." You nodded. Eren got up to go in your bathroom.

"Wait Nell, why so early."

"Why would you even ask that question Y/n?" Janelle faced you with a deadpan stare. "You should know the mall open at eight, and it's gonna be hella packed later on."

"Okay okay."

"Therefore, if y'all aren't ready by 9:30 y'all asses getting the fuck left."

"I mean I guesssss." You dragged your words and slowly got out you bed to your closet.

Janelle walked out of your room. "9:30!!" She yelled in the hallway.

It was kinda hard to chose what to wear. Did you want to keep it casual with a lil knitted dress or wear an outfit.


"Yeah?" You turned with a hanger hung to a dress in your hand.

"Where are the towels and wash cloths at?"

"They're under the sink." You pointed down.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

9:16 am✰

You were checking yourself out in your mirror. You really liked the way your body looked in the dress. Though it was a little basic, just a small black knitted dress, you still loved the way it looked.

𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 Where stories live. Discover now