Class 1-A meets Aizawas and Izukus kids...

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Izuku Yagi, now known as Izuku Aizawa, is the son of the number one hero All Might. Izuku was trained by All Might to be the next number one hero. As Izuku grew up All Might started to abuse Izuku. All Might then arranged a marriage for Izuku at the age of 14.

Over time Izuku fell in love with his husband. Eventually they had 3 kids. Izuku then started school at U.A. and his husband was his teacher. No one in class knew they were married or that they had kids. And that's where the story is going to start.

Aizawas pov-

I walked into my classroom and sighed. Everyone was being loud and annoying. "EVERYONE SHUT UP OR EXTRA HOMEWORK FOR A WEEK!!" The classroom went silent and I walked up to the front of the classroom and stood behind my podium. I glanced at my husband and smiled before starting class.

No ones pov-

Half way through class the door burst open and a small child ran in crying. The small child looked to be about four years old and had black hair and emerald eyes. Everyone looked at the child and them run over and hug Aizawa. "Mama!!" The child yelled while clinging onto Aizawas leg. Aizawa bends down and picks up the child. "Yuki honey what are you doing in here you and your siblings are supposed to be with Grandpa Nezu." Just then two more children run into the classroom panicking. The class just stares silently not knowing what to say. "Haru, Akari, where's your grandpa?" Both of the children shrug their shoulders still out of breath. "I-i think that he was following after us but I think we lost him awhile ago..." Akari Mumbles while sitting down behind her mothers desk and looks over the class.

Aizawa looks up from his daughter in his arms and looks at his students. Ururaka raises her hand and calmly waits to be called on. "Yes Ururaka?" Aizawa asks one of his most childish students. "Umm Who are these kids Aizawa-Sensei?" Ururaka asks her teacher. "They're my children." Aizawa calmly says and looks at Haru who is standing in the doorway of the classroom waiting for Nezu. "Aizawa-Sensei! Its very unprofessional to have your children here at school with you!!" Iida starts yelling and doing his hand chopping motions. "Why did they call you mom? Aren't you male?" Mina asks. "well yes Mina I'm-"

"Mama!! Look Papas coming!!" Haru yells and runs out of the classroom. Everyone turns towards the door curious as to who "papa" was. Izuku then walks in holding Haru on his hip and Nezu on his shoulders. "Papa!! Grandpa!!" Yuki calls out while making grabby hands at Izuku. Izuku sets Haru and Nezu on the ground and takes Yuki from Aizawa. "Izuku are you and Aizawa-Sensei together?" Todoroki asks. Izuku sighs and sets Yuki down. "Yuki, honey, go with your siblings and grandpa please. Me and mama will be down to get you soon ok?" Izuku smiles at Yuki. "Ok papa!" Yuki says and runs over to Akari. "Akari please try and keep your sibling in your grandpas office." Izuku says and straightens up. "Ok papa." Izuku turns to Nezu, "papa next time they run please call me so I can look for them." Nezu nods. "Ok Izuku." Nezu smiles and leads the three children out of the classroom.

Izuku walks over and stands next to Aizawa. "Ok let me explain before you judge..." Izuku says while looking over the class. They all nod except for Bakugou because he already knows everything. "Ok so I should start with my name. My name is Izuku Aizawa and this is my husband Shouta Aizawa. We have three kids, the youngest is Yuki and she's four. Then we have Haru, he's five, and then we have Akari, and she's six. I'm twenty two years old and I'm not actually a student here. I just play the role for Nezu." Izuku glances at the class and they're watching Izuku intensely. "Ok there is something important that you must know before I start on the story or you won't understand..." Izuku says and looks at Aizawa. Aizawa nods and Izuku looks back at the class. "Aizawa is trans..." The class gasps, "so that's why your kids call you mom!" Mina yells in excitement. Aizawa chuckles slightly. "Yep." Izuku then clears his throat. "alright lets start..."

"My name before I was married was Izuku Yagi... I was the son of All Might the number one hero but he wasn't A very good father. He trained me non-stop so I could be strong enough to be the next number one pro hero. So the training got so bad that it turned into abuse. One day he told me that he had arranged a quirk marriage for me. At first I refused because at the time I was only twelve. He started yelling at me and then hit me so I tried running. I didn't get very far before he caught me. He then beat me and told me I was worthless. He then forced me into a suit so I could meet the girl I was going to marry in a month. I met up with the Shouta and we got to know each other. I found out that he was trans but his mom wouldn't let him transition. Over the next month we grew closer and fell for each other. We then got married and All Might sent us to America for our honeymoon. When we got back All Might kicked me out of the house and Shoutas mom kicked him out of their house so we had no where to go. We had wandered the streets for a couple of hours before we ran into Nezu. Nezu had noticed that Shouta had been crying and asked us what happened. We told him and he offered to adopt me because I was still only twelve. I agreed and he let us stay with him while we both got jobs. Shouta was fresh out of U.A. so he became an underground hero and a teacher while I got a job at a small cafe over the weekends and I helped out recovery girl for a while."

Everyone stared at Izuku and Aizawa before bursting out in complaints against All Might and how horrible of a father he was. Izuku and Aizawa quiet the class down and Aizawa decided to give the class the rest of the day off so he could spend some time with his husband alone...

That's all for this one shot. Let me know if you want a part two and ill try my best to make one. Also if you want a part two give me ideas on what to put in it. Have a nice day and i love you all.

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