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Chapter 2:

Alright so having my life taken wasn't exactly in my schedule today but the blacksmith seemed very persuasive.

Persuasive meaning the whole town was now throwing anything they could get their hands on down the well. Cart wheels, floor boards, furniture, bed frames, cartons, dynamite- hold your solders what!? DYNAMITE!?

"Oh I see how it is then" I thought as I dodged incoming objects, just before it became too much and I either drowned or got blow too pieces, the gods decided I needed to live and sent me my saviour. A tall figure jumped down the well gripping the end of an old rope tied to the top.

" take my hand!" A serious voice with a feminine ring ordered me. I took no time in obliging and grasped the dainty fingers reaching for me. We began to hoist our selves up when yet another issue occurred.

" and 'where' do you think 'your' going?" Questioned the person id so desperately wanted to avoid once we'd reached the top. I looked up to meet the yellow eyes that drove me to this un holy grave. " VALHALA!" He roared motioning for the crowd to be rid of me.

" wait!" I cried holding up a white hand. "I have a proposal!" I announced " no not the wedding kind boso, yeah I know what your thinking" I pointed at the beast In front of me, he snorted and took no lightness to the situation (: note to self, is not the comedic type)

" state your case or feel my wrath!" He demanded. I pulled the leather bag off my belt and took out a few pieces of silver.

" I'll pay you five pieces of silver for a head start" I gambled extending my arm to give him the coins.

" raghhhhhhhhhhhh!" He stomped his hooves and reddened his eyes. I waited for him too scrape his left foot along the dirt, bend forward and charge. " too bad I don't have a red blanket of sort" I thought standing aside.

" those are already my coins gnash!" He screeched.

" time to go." I grabbed my saviour standing behind me made a run for the nearest form of transportation- ( that worked ) which happened to be a donkey.


My saviour rapped their arms around my waste from behind as I jabbed the animal in its sides with the heels of my shoes, letting the crowds screaming grow quieter as we galloped away. As soon as safety was at hand we slowed. My curiosity grew stronger to whom this 'person' I presume, is. I looked down at the hands using my support to stable their seat behind me, and noticed the elegant slender fingers with long black painted fingernails. " I really pray this is a women, and I pray even stronger that she is as beautiful as her hands". I thought rather strangely, I suppose my un gentlemanly behaviour was caused by such lack of etiquette ladies in shadowed lake. The standards seem to be quite low here and ladies have the tendencies to be, ehhh, of the witch kind.

Just as I was about to ask 'her' what her name is and thank her for her heroic actions, the sound of metal being drawn and a loud yelp was heard behind me. I immediately turned my head to see a pack of mutant rodent looking creatures, foam dripping from their mouths and completely white eyes chasing after us. I looked to the warrior behind me and watched as she sliced the heads off the disgusting creatures, green blood leaked upon the ground trailing behind us from her sword. " what are they!?" I yelled, our speed becoming greater. " the beginning of our worst nightmare!" She replied equally as loud " they've been sent from the dark empire.. they've found me!"

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