Window of Opportunity

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"Simmons. What the hell?" Asya questioned, getting up from where she was lying on the floor.

"He's here. I can feel it," she claimed.

"That was not your call to make. You are not the commander of this damn ship," Asya snapped, stalking up to her.

"And what would you have done?" she questioned.

"I don't know, I didn't have time to come up with a feasible plan before you brought us to the middle of nowhere," the director growled.

"We were being attacked," she objected.

"We were safe. I had the ship intangible," Asya countered.

"You passed out," she argued.

"I was trying to keep you guys safe because that's my job. You're no help to Fitz dead, and I don't want to have to tell Piper's or Daisy's or heaven forbid Davis's family that they aren't coming home. I don't want to have to look a little kid in the face and tell him his daddy ain't coming home. Next time, I'll be the one to decide where we go," the agent snapped, then left to go to the mechanic's room.

She slid under the table, returning to the mess of wires she had been fighting with this entire trip. Their communications system was supposed to work from any point in space, but it hadn't worked since they left.

After a couple of hours, she heard a knock on the console and slid out to find Daisy. "What's up?" she asked, rolling back under.

"I think you were being a little harsh on Jemma," Daisy said.

"I was putting it in perspective for her," she replied, pulling a wire out.

"She just wants Fitz back," Daisy argued, and she rolled out from underneath. Daisy knew, from just the expression on Asya's face, that she was on edge.

Who could blame her? She had been separated from her loved ones for over a year, managing a new frontier and a new division of an international agency. Daisy could see from her angle, a streak of grey or two mixed in with her director's pitch-black curls.

"You think I don't want him back? I have known him since day one, same as you. I would give anything to get him back. But I can't. I have to think of what's best not only for us but for the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D. S.H.I.E.L.D. can't afford to lose five agents, not now. S.P.E.A.R. certainly can't afford it. I'm sorry, but I'm not taking any of my words back. Once we check this place, we're heading back. No arguments."

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