An Ode to You.

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You are just like the moon
Lonesome and Placid.
Some nights shining radiantly
Your light caresses the gloomiest nooks of the room
And on the other nights, you beam dimly, 
Waning off with the clouds.
You never fail to amaze me
With your exceptionally delicate reality.

You're warm enough to chase away my miseries
But the thinkings of you draw further despair.
Given microscopic vigilance as you're what I constantly wish for.
I marvel at how your skin withstands mine.
Why do my soul dance at the thought of you?
What I want and what I need is wrangling an endless battle
Because both chose to be you.
I hope your dreams are of you and me.
That would say we share the same longings.

How grateful of you who enlightened me how to adore myself
You're neither my friend nor my brother.
I see your moral essence as me
For I love me.
Isn't that how every love story embarks?
But I see this tale's limit.
Let's keep on drifting towards our unsparing and forlorn adventure.


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