Pictures In Your Mind

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"I can get out here." Taylor's 14 year old daughter, Ivy said. They were on the way to the movies, and Ivy was making Taylor drop her off around the block. Apparently, moms were embarrassing.
"Text me when the movie's over so I can drive you home." Ivy nodded her head, and Taylor could tell she was resisting the urge to roll her eyes. Taylor remembered being a teenager. She had been mouthy, which she found hilarious.

        As Ivy's blonde hair blew in the wind, Taylor couldn't believe how old she had gotten

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        As Ivy's blonde hair blew in the wind, Taylor couldn't believe how old she had gotten. She wasn't quite sure when Ivy had stopped dancing around in her pjs getting ready for school. All of a sudden, her baby wasn't tiny anymore. That childlike sense of wonder was gone.
14 years ago
        Taylor looked at her newborn baby who was sitting on her lap. A big part of her heart would forever be Ivy's. Ivy blinked her opal blue eyes at Taylor.
        Taylor had put her in a onesie with flowers on it after she had been born. It had flowers all over it. Taylor adjusted the bow.

        She was scared Ivy wouldn't get a normal upbringing

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        She was scared Ivy wouldn't get a normal upbringing. She would have to learn how to stay calm with paparazzi at a young age, and how to dress up fancy. Taylor desperately wanted to have one normal thing.
        Ivy grabbed Taylor's hand, and wrapped her tiny fingers around one of Taylor's fingers. Her eyelids fluttered, and she fell asleep on Taylor's chest.
        Taylor looked over at Joe, and he had tears in his eyes. She felt tears coming in her eyes as well. She couldn't believe they had a baby with the smallest hands and feet and prettiest eyes in the world.
Joe's eyes crinkled, and Taylor could tell he was smiling under his mask. Taylor, Joe, and the limousine driver were all wearing masks. Joe had been in the delivery room, but missed all of the sonograms and other appointments due to coronavirus. She remembered the look on his face when she told him they were going to have a baby girl.
        Taylor got out of the limousine to an empty yard. Paparazzi hadn't been allowed at at of her places in order to stay safe. Life was peaceful without a storm of camera flashes.
Taylor carried Ivy into her new home. It was in London, and she had lived there with Joe for a while. Joe closed the door behind them. Taylor and Joe took their masks off.
        Joe put Ivy in his arms, and laid her down in her crib, putting a blanket over her. Taylor hugged Joe as they watched their baby sleep. Joe turned on a nightlight and kissed Ivy on the forehead before leaving the nursery. Taylor kissed Ivy on her forehead too, and admired her baby angel before following Joe.

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