Seokjin is sobbing now hugging his husband tightly. Who is now silent somewhere regretting for his behavior before, it's the first time Namjoon shouted at Jin. He can now understand why Seokjin is behaving like this. He can't blame him though. Hell he himself know that Seokjin will definitely die if something happens to Tae.

'Jini,  Things can be seen in positive way too right? Our Taetae is so strong now. Although he is our baby, he is well grown now. He also wants to feel love which only a lover can give him right?
About Jeongguk, he seems to be a great guy to me. Although he made mistake but still it never affect our Tae much. We all do mistakes.  He is guilty that is enough. Eventually I can feel that taetae feels so happy around that Jeon kid-'

'Namjoonie, our Tae has grown up much right? I feel so suffocated when I realise that he will left me hiccup after hiccup marriage.'

'Hey baby, don't cry, it's not upto us. Everything change eventually. We can't just stop the time for forever.'

'I will never tolerate-'

'Jini.' Taehyung's small sobs make them retreat from each other immediately.

'Baby, why you crying? Come here bubba.' Seokjin called him unfolding his hands.

Taehyung wasting no time runs to his brother, crowled to his lap, sobbing silently.

"Ah it's been so long bub... to feel you close to me...sigh*
Why are you crying bubba?' Seokjin asked smoothly. Whereas Namjoon thought to give the brothers some privacy which they need so much now.

'I am crying because you are crying Jini. I saw you were crying.'
Taehyung said pouting.

'Aww, hahaha my baby, I was not crying, it was just something got into my eyes-'

'You are a bad liar Jini.' Taehyung said now sitting straightly.

Seokjin's eyes are again started to wet. Hell how can he give this baby to anyone.

'Its that baby, I wanna say sorry to my brother for my rude behavior. Umm what will make him forgive me? Can you tell me?'

Taehyung just giggled and now acting like thinking something...

Taehyung shouted excitedly.

'But I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about my brother.' Seokjin said act like confused.

Taehyung shouted angry while gritting his teeth. He is real angry now

'Hahhahhaha my adorably angry tiger, I was just kidding bubba. You are my only brother. Haha
. Stop sulking now baby...  I am sorry. Hahaha...
stop pouting ....'

'I want 3 Icecreams now.' Taehyung said demandingly.

'Okok.. jeez....'

That's what I am gonna miss ...oh God why I always have to get weak when its come to my Tae.

'Baby, umm can you live without me?'

'Anii, I will never leave you Jini.. don't worry.. bubba kikikiki... ' Taehyung said giggling. He has no idea Seokjin is actual serious now.

'Baby, you must have to leave me and Joonie after your marriage,  its tradition.'

Taehyung's giggles immediately has stopped.

'Aniiyoooo.... you will marry with me right Jini?'
Taehyung asked confusingly. His doe eyes are getting bigger out of curiosity.

'Hahahhahha baby you are so funny I am already married.' Seokjin said removing his tears.

'Oh nooo why you marry without me Jini? You are minie.' Taehyung is about to cry.

'But you will have Kookie.'
Taehyung stopped crying.

'Will Kookie live with me forever?

Ouch this is the actual question i wanna ask that stupid too, because I would never forgive him if he ever leave you.

'Umm, Do you wanna live your life with Jeongguk? Tae this is the time think maturely. Don't hesitate to tell me anything. You have your Jini with you. I can fight with the whole world only for You.'

'Jini, will I not be able to see you after marriage? Then I will not marry.'

'Nooo haha, baby, there is no power has been created who can make you away from me. Don't take it that way. I will always be there for you. But the time you are giving me now , you will have to give it to your Husband. You have to be more mature Tae. So start to learn everything I teach you, from today onwards.'
Seokjin said with much dedication.

Hell he can't be selfish anymore. He promised to bring every happiness anyhow in any situation to his brother. But seems like now Somone becomes his brother's bliss. So he can't just back away now.


Time skip:

'Omg, I was so shocked when I got the call,  Seokjinie.. I eventually started to give up on my dreams sigh*.'

Mrs. Jeon said while sipping the coffee.

Seokjin called her yesterday and said that he wants to meet her privately in his cafe. And yes she indeed came even much before his given time.

'I am sorry Aunty you had to trouble coming here.'

'Oh no no not at all...what you saying Seokjinie,  I am so happy to being here.' Mrs. Jeon said happily.

'Ooh I am glad that you are enjoying here.. and Umm again i am sorry for that day, i didn't think twice and reacted like that.' Seokjin said caressing his nape out of embarrassment.

'Oh no no. Please stop saying sorry, hon its nothing you are like my son too. You have full rights to be mad.'

'You are so sweet Aunty. Anyone will be happy to have you as a mother.'

'Oh that's nothing like that I just love to being socialize.'

'Yes, I can sense haha..umm.. my baby Tae ..umm .. how to say Aunty umm.
So Why did you chose him in the first place for Jeongguk, As I know a lot of rich people are head over heels for your Son, then why my Tae?'
Seokjin asked curiously.

'To be honest when for the First time I saw him, it's like I felt something really extraordinary thing he have, which is his innocence. I never wanted anyone  more fashionable, rich, for our Kook.
Because I myself was  never rich. My father was just a farmer. I had to face much difficulties to reach this position but eventually I am happy with my family. That's what I want for my kookie too. Although he does seem like a strong man, but inside he is a small boy, he gets hurt so easily but never show others.
My Jeonggukkie was never been like this Seokjinie trust me. It's that after the incident he became so arrogant. But Tae's arrival changed him. I can see..'

'Wait ,wait umm incident I didn't get that point. ' Seokjin said confused.

'My kookie is suffering from Amnesia.'

'Wh-hat.. omg I didn't....Omg I am sorr-'

'Its okay hon. I myself kept this as a secret from everyone. I don't want anyone to pressurise him with questions.'

'I am really sorry to hear that Aunty.'
Seokjin said softly.

'Don't worry Seokjinie, I just want your approval for the marriage nothing else. I literally can see my old Jeonggukie into our Tae. My kookie will make him so happy. I can assure you this with my life.'

'Things are not that easy from my side Aunty, still I am trying so hard-'

'I can definitely understand Hon. To give your brother to someon-'

Mrs. Jeon's voice suddenly stopped whem she heard the next line uttered by Seokjin, which made her shocked as hell-

'Taehyung is not my real brother.'


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