Chapter 6

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I don't really know what is happening at this point...

Chapter Start

3rd pov:

The next day

Chemistry class

Their chemistry teacher grouped their class into 6 groups for an activity. There are 6 students per group and unfortunately, y/n and Chifuyu are not in the same group.

The class walk towards the Chemistry lab for their class. Y/n and Chifuyu walk side by side as they talk.

"Why couldn't I be in the same group as you?" Chifuyu grumbled beside y/n.

"Cheer up, you big baby. We're still in the same class." Y/n said while she lightly nudge Chifuyu's arm.

"But still!" He whined. "I just hope our group sits right next to each other." Chifuyu said, still not satisfied with the groupings.

"Why are you so whiny all of a sudden?" Y/n ask while tilting her head a little.

"Hm? Whiny? No, I'm not." Chifuyu denied before shaking his head no. "Just not satisfied with this grouping." He continued.

"Didn't know you were focus on your studies. You didn't look the type, too." Y/n commented as they followed the class from the back.

"Huh? No. No, not really. I just let the others do the work for me." Chifuyu nonchalantly said as he put his hands on his pant pocket.

"What? That's a little unfair." Y/n said.

"What do you mean unfair? I just tell them what to do (sometimes), while I sit and watch." Chifuyu answered.

"Hmm. So you're the leader type of guy, huh." Y/n concluded as she snaps her finger.

"No. Why would I wanna be the leader? That's exhausting." Chifuyu replied while making a disgusted face.

"I can't understand you." Y/n said while looking at Chifuyu.

"Well, I can't understand you girls either." Chifuyu retorted while also looking at y/n. Then after a moment they both laugh at the same time.

"Oh right. We're still gonna continue our project later, right?" Chifuyu ask.

"You mean the mini house? Yeah. Sure." Y/n answered while nodding.

"Great. My mom would probably at work later so it'll be just us." Chifuyu informed as they arrived outside the lab.

Upon entering the Chemistry lab, there were 6 big tables in the middle of the lab with chairs placed around it. Y/n saw a number placed on each of the big tables and assumed that it was where each groups were assigned to sit.

She looked for her group number and Chifuyu's and notice that their group were far from each other.

"Well, chat with you later. I guess." Y/n said as she waved at Chifuyu before walking towards her group's table.

"What?" Chifuyu uttered as he watch her go to her table. He then look for his and realize why she said that and muttered an, "Oh.", before dragging his feet to his group.

'This is gonna be a long class. Why am I placed too far from her?' Chifuyu thought with a slightly gloomy atmosphere around him while taking a few glances towards y/n.

When y/n sat down, she look around and saw Chifuyu glancing at her before giving him a smile to which he immediately avert his gaze somewhere. This earned a confuse look from y/n.

'Huh? What's with him?' She thought.

There was a boy sitting in front of her. He look at her and smiled to which y/n just nodded at him in reply. 

'Huh? Why is he smiling at her all of a sudden?' Chifuyu thought annoyed when he caught the boy in front of y/n smile at her.

Y/n felt eyes on her so she glance around to see who it was and saw Chifuyu looking at her group's direction with an annoyed face. 'Hm?' Y/n tilt her head towards him, silently asking what's wrong.

"Tsk." Chifuyu just click his tongue before looking away from her. 'Why am I annoyed anyway?!' He thought.

'What's his problem?' Y/n thought before shrugging. She didn't care too much. Actually, it didn't matter where she sits, but it's always better when she's with her friends. She took out her notebook and pen and began to listen carefully at the discussion.

After a while, she noticed that the girl next to her was glancing at her. Once, twice... she already peek at her for at least 7 times!

Y/n look oddly in the direction from where the gaze came from and found a sweet-looking girl peeking at her. But when y/n looks at her, she immediately look away with a red hue on her cheeks embarrassed.

'Huh?' Y/n didn't care much. She just look at their teacher and continued to listen.

'What's going on there?' Chifuyu thought as his eyes slightly narrowed in curiosity as he witness the whole thing. He's more interested on what's happening on y/n's group to care about what their teacher was babbling about.

The girl covered her head with her hair before discreetly pulling out her phone from her pocket to send a message or two.

Y/n notice the movement beside her and whispered, "Is something wrong? Are you alright?"

The girl wave her hand repeatedly and said, "No... I'm fine.", as her cheeks reddened.

The girl felt her heart beating extremely fast. She liked seeing good-looking people so much that whenever she saw them she would feel excited.

It was already a pleasure to her that Matsuno Chifuyu is at her class and when he's with Keisuke Baji it was paradise.

And now, a new student suddenly transferred in her class and she was another beautiful woman. She was very delighted, especially when y/n actively talk to her and worry about her well-being!

'You don't have to worry about me. You are very beautiful. Don't mind me!!!'

The girl was so happy she was slightly shaking in excitement. Then, she discreetly took out her phone and send a message to her friends.

[OMG! I am sitting next to a beauty! I dare not to breathe loudly!! Fkxjdnsnd]

After the discussion, their teacher now gave them the remaining time to do their activity.

As they were doing their activity, y/n could hear Chifuyu really barking out orders to his groupmates while sitting on his chair holding a piece of paper.

'So he wasn't really kidding back then...' y/n thought as she sweat drop before resuming on her work.

Once Chifuyu was done doing his part (ordering his group mates), he again glance at y/n and watch her do the activity. A soft look was seen on his eyes if anyone were to look at him clearly. 

How he wished time would go faster so he would be alone with her at his house later.

Doing their project of course.

Chapter End
(Not edited)

I don't really know what I just wrote...

Sorry if Chifuyu was a bit ooc.

I hope you like this chapter...


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