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     One can expect New York to be ferociously busy on any given night, but today was different for the buzzing city of Brooklyn. For a country in such intimidating times-- people needed  this. Something to believe in. And for now, that 'something' went by James Buchanan Barnes.

     The procedure had hit presumably every  news headline, and thus proved to be successful... and also, not to mention being a popular topic of conversation with the ladies.

The United States had just achieved what would become one of the most coveted assets of war in history-- a super soldier. A leader. A captain.

 A captain

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"Buck, you look... different!" Steve chimed, bursting through the procedure hallway after hearing of James' whereabouts.

Bucky grinned. "Figured you'd say that, punk."

The two shared a quick side hug once arrival, and continued down the hall.

"I'm just glad I made it out alive, to be honest," Bucky chuckled. "Felt like I was gettin' stung by a thousand jellyfish, all over." He shivered at the memory, just hours ago.

Steve laughed, and raised his view towards Bucky. Their height difference was remarkable to say the least.

"Well, I'm glad you made it out too, Buck. I'll admit, it had me worried. All of America was anxious, really."

James peered down and gave Steve a reassuring smile, before pausing in the hall and resting his hand on the collar of his shirt.

"Don't worry about me, pal." Bucky spoke sincerely, aware that he was all Steve had at the moment. "I'm with you till' the end of the line, okay?"

The pair had reached the end of the corridor, gesturing for Bucky to continue his expedition for various checkups. He gave Steve a wink before continuing down, sure that he would see his friend again.


James Barnes was not only the talk of the city, but the talk of the country. No scientific procedure like this had ever been executed before, and for it to be successful, was an enormous leap forward into both technology and science.

The person to credit was none other than Howard Stark, a seemingly wealthy and growing celebrity engineer who had already begun paving the way for the future of technology. A young and intelligent man, Howard could be attributed for many inventions, but his more recent one would be the vibranium shield for America's new Captain Barnes.

Little did either of them know, it would be a legacy for generations to come.

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