-𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐮𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐩𝐬𝐞-

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It was 2051, and Becca Franko had just finished creating A.L.I.E alongside her 18-year-old sister, Madison Franko. A week later, Chris, Becca's assistant took them to meet her at a mansion just nearby Becca's Lab on her island.

"Chris, we've got to get back to work," Becca says as she's blindfolded

"We are working. ALIE wanted it to be a surprise," Chris replies

"Oh my god," Madison says as she looks at A.L.I.E who looked exactly like her sister.

"Hello, Becca" the AI mutters

"Who did this?" Becca asks as she takes of the blindfold

"I did. You don't approve?" A.L.I.E replies

Madison takes it upon herself to pass her hand through ALIE finding out she's a hologram

"As you know, I didn't think I needed an avatar. You did. Why not my creator? Why not my creator? Why not my creator?" the AI repeats

"Please state your core command," Becca demands

"My core command is to make life better. Is to make life better-life better," A.L.I.E replies

"And how would you do this?"

"By fixing the root problem. By fixing the root problem-root problem."

"What is the root problem, ALIE?" Madison asks

"Too many people." ALIE replies frightening both Becca and Madison. They both look at each other wearily and can't believe what they're hearing.


A week later

Becca and Madison are both in her lab debating what to do about ALIE

"Bec, you have to lock her up or kill her if that's possible" Madison urges

"How? There are people who actually believe in her right now," Becca replies

"I get that, but 'too many people', we both know that's not normal, and this isn't just an all bark and no bite threat, this is an AI, she could kill the entire human population if she wanted to," Madison says back.

"I'll lock her up and create a new one," Becca suddenly says thinking of a new idea.

"What?" Madison asks baffled, "another one, why? It'll just say the same thing."

"No, Mads, ALIE's problem is that she doesn't think like a human, she still thinks like an AI, she doesn't feel human emotion because she knows she isn't one of us," Becca realizes

"Okay, but what are you gonna do about it now, for this second one?" Madison still questions

"This one, it's gonna merge with the human mind, it wouldn't be so ruthless because it would be part of our consciousness, and it wouldn't want to wipe us out because it would be one of us too" Becca answers

"Becca, you know I love you, but this too sounds a little insane, plus how are you gonna work on it with ALIE being everywhere, she'll know your creating her replacement," Madison adds

"She won't, I'm gonna go back to Polaris to create it," Becca says as she slowly opens a drawer behind her sisters back and pulls out a sedative tranquilizer hiding it behind her back.

"Alright, I'm coming with you," Madison answers.


"Why not? I have nothing to lose, you're the only person left that I actually care about," Madison snaps back.

"I know, and I care about you too, more than anything, but I have to be alone for this, you have to be safe," Becca replies.

"Yeah, and how is that supposed to happen? No one is safe right now with ALIE around, who knows what she's capable of," Madison retaliates.

"Exactly, but she won't do anything to you if you're asleep," Becca says as she looks at the one cryosleep pod in the middle of the lab.

Madison follows her eyesight and laughs, "Becca, you're hilarious, I am not going into cryo, and we both know that" Madison chuckles.

Becca clouded by her judgement and thoughts of making sure her sister is safe, comes closer to Madison and injects her with the sedative on her neck, "You are, I'm sorry, you know I love you too, but this is the only way she won't harm you"

Madison suddenly feels drowsy and falls to the floor unconscious, Becca carefully carries her and lays her down in the open cryo pod, she takes another look at her sister finding her in this angelic state with her platinum hair down, framing her face, and her eyes shut peacefully.

"This was never your fault or mistake, it was mine, and now I'm gonna fix it," Becca cries.

She shuts the cryopod and goes over to the computer next to it that controls it, she sets the instructions of the pod to only being opened when opened by someone with the password "seek higher things" in latin. Becca hoped she would be able to come back and open the pod herself, but if she didn't she knew one day her sister would be awake again, and someone would figure it out.

She didn't know she would never see her sister again, if she knew, maybe she would have done things differently.

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