Chapter 12 - Consequences

Start from the beginning

“I won’t hurt you, Haz. I promised that I’d never hurt you.”

“You almost did,” sniffled Harry.

“I know. And that’s unforgivable.”

“You hurt yourself, Lou.”

Louis looked at his bruised and bloodied knuckles solemnly.

“I can live with that. You; however, I could never live with hurting. Come here.” He opened his arms, waiting patiently and eventually he felt Harry occupying the space between them again. He felt the emptiness that he had felt all day when he thought Harry had left him fill up again and he sighed into the younger boy’s hair. He kissed Harry’s temple.

“I’m sorry for losing my temper,” Louis murmured into Harry’s hair. “I should’ve known that you would keep your promise and never truly leave me. I’m sorry.”

Harry shook his head, burying his face deeper into the crook of Louis’ neck. He felt bad for soaking Louis’ neck and shirt but as the other boy made no move to remove him, Harry figured that it was okay.

“I – I’m sorry,” sobbed Harry. “I just felt so trapped. I love being with you, Lou but I felt so suffocated and the alternative… I…”

“Shhh,” whispered Louis, stroking Harry’s hair. “I know Haz, I know. We’ll work this out together. I went about this all the wrong way.”

“I shouldn’t have drugged you.” Louis frowned.

“No, you shouldn’t have. But on the bright side, I haven’t slept so well in ages.” Harry did not laugh. “Too soon, eh? I suppose so.” Louis stood up, extending a hand so that Harry could do the same. “Bed?”

“Sounds lovely,” said Harry quietly, taking Louis’ hand. He marveled at how well it fit in his own. It was as though Louis’ hand was made just for him.

A little while later when both boys were lying in bed, Louis entwined their fingers and turned to face the curly-haired lad. Harry raised a skeptical eyebrow.

“You have to promise me something, Harry.”

Harry was taken aback by the use of his real name.

“I already promised I’d never leave you…”

“No, not that,” sighed Louis. “Promise me… please, Harry, promise me that if I ever hurt you or make you feel unsafe in any way that you’ll leave. Please, Haz. Promise me that.”


“No!” cried Louis, tightening his grip on Harry’s hand, though not painfully. “You have to promise me, love. If I can’t keep you safe and happy then I don’t deserve you. Please…”

“Okay,” murmured Harry. “I promise.”

Louis raised their entwined hands and kissed Harry’s knuckles.

“I am truly glad that you came back Haz,” Louis said eventually.

“There’s no place I’d rather be, Lou.”

Though no words were spoken after those by Harry, both boys stayed awake for some time longer contemplating them, for they both knew that they were not entirely true.


There was a significant shift in Harry and Louis’ relationship following the event of Harry’s escape and return. For starters, Harry was given more freedom and allowed outside of the house more often than before. Also, whenever he felt trapped inside his own head he would go straight to Louis and the two of them would talk it out to avoid confrontations like that night in the kitchen.

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