Chapter 3, Confrontation

Start from the beginning

His cape had never gone to another person.


Once everything was over the Avengers were mobbed by fans, teenage students, and even adults asking multiple questions.

In all of that, they didn't notice when their mate quickly and quietly left the area. Except for Stephen, he was still wondering why his cape had stayed with his mate.

He followed her, the whole hour of the walk. He wondered why she hadn't stopped to take any sort of transportation.

She arrived at a cheap looking apartment on the bad side of NYC. Stephen called on temporary invisibility and stepped inside the door right before she  closed it. They went up a whole seven flights of stairs and to the door at the end of the hallway.

He followed her in and noticed that his cape came back to rest on his shoulders, it also turned invisible along with him.

Sitting over in the corner, he watched as she got the twins taken care of, her homework done, and then ready for bed.

What confused him was why she had twins, and why there seemed to be no apparent adult figure that lived in the house.

Knocking him out of his thoughts, he heard the pre-emptive buzz of the comms. He quickly made a portal and went to the roof.

"Where are you?"

"Are you ok?"

"Did you follow our mate?"

"Please tell me you didn't follow our mate."

The group bombarded him with questions, worried about Stephen. He winced slightly but answered, "I'm at Sent or Rent Apartment's, Building F, Floor 7, Apartment 78. But technically the roof."

There's silence on the end of  the line while the others look it up.

"Why is our mate living in one of the worst places of NEW YORK CITY!" Tony practically yelled.

"I don't know. I do know that the babies do belong to her, and from what I've seen of the appartment it looks like there isn't an adult figure living with her. At least not in the past two weeks."

"We need to go pick her up." Steve said.

"Whatever you do, don't do that. She practically disappeared after the event and didn't even stop to chat with her newly found soulmates. How do you think she would react if you came over here and told her you were taking her somewhere else." Stephen tried reasoning with them.

"He's got a point. She wasn't exactly jumping for joy when she met us. Also it would probably feel like kidnapping for her." Bruce conceded.

"How about this. Stephen, you watch her for tonight but leave before the sun comes up. That way we know she's safe." Bucky explained.

Everyone murmured their agreement and Stephen stayed.

*Eclipse's POV*

The night was a constant, taking care of the babies, trying to sleep and repeat. By the time it was morning I had only had 4 hours of sleep total. No wonder parents always looked exhausted.

There had been some points during the night, where I'd had this weird feeling that something was off, but I didn't know why or what.

I woke up before the girls, so that meant I was able to get ready for school and feed myself. Thankfully when the girls woke up, it was easy to get them ready and out the door.

After the hour walk to school, I arrived just in time for me to rush into my first class.

The day only got worse.

In between classes when I was walking in the halls I heard whispers of,

"Avengers slut."

"-had their kids."

"-a whore."

"-only reason she won-"

Oh how I wished this was one of the times I didn't have enhanced hearing. MJ wasn't even around, I mean, I didn't really expect her to be, but it would've been nice.

Finally lunch came and I quickly grabbed my food and went out to the shade tree. I rolled out a small mat and set the babies on it. Thankfully, they were sleeping.

Any hopes that I had of it being a quiet lunch were crushed when I saw flash come out of the cafeteria doors. He made a beeline directly towards me, his cronies following.

Fear surged through me as he stormed closer. He was mad.

"Hey there Avengers whore. Did they only let you win first because you slept with them? I bet you that's where your bastard babies came from."

I knew he was just taunting me but it didn't make it hurt any less.

"Can you please leave me alone? I'm trying to eat my lunch."

"Ha, she wants us to leave her alone. Not after the stunt you pulled to get your name called instead of mine." He scoffed, motioning to his cronies beside him.

"Now stand, or my friends will help you."

I panicked.

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