"Oh nothing important, hey, why don't we talk about what we're doing in P.E. today hah a hah... Ava? You've already had it, what are we doing?" He's clearly avoiding my question.

"Just a Tabata workout and volleyball." She says answering Jayce's question that he asked to purposely avoid mine. I decided to drop it for now, but I'm going to ask Grayson about it later.

We continue down the hall until we get to Mr. Kennedy's class. He has the biggest classroom in the school, at least that's what Ava told me. We walked in and it was honestly the coziest classroom I'd ever been in. It had tall windows reaching from the floor to ceiling that covered the back wall, and the whole roof was just one giant skylight. He had plants everywhere, on the floor, on shelves, on his desk, and hanging from walls. I also thought Mr. Kennedy was going to be an old wrinkly dude, but it turns out, he was probably in his late 20's if not early 30's. He even rocked some corduroy pants and a collared shirt. He had the whole boho style going on.

We sat down in the back corner of the room where we could talk more easily without getting caught. One of Ava's friends sat with us too. Her name was Grace, she was also very nice, she had blonde hair and greenish-blue eyes, and no. Her hair was not bleached blonde. I asked a couple of times about Grayson, and when he would show up. When he told me he had to go to his locker, I didn't think he had meant the whole third period.

Finally, the end of class rolled around, and we headed to lunch. I asked if we could walk by Grayson's locker to see if he was there, but he wasn't. I don't know why, but I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

When we get to the lunchroom, I realize how right Carter was. It stinks in here. I'm still with Jayce and Ava because I have no clue where I'm going. I see Carter wave me down from a table across the lunchroom so I walk over to go sit with him, Cameron, and Braydon. Carter greets me with a giant puppy dog smile on his face, "Hi Camille! Boy did I tell you, it reeks in here!" When he talked to me, I realized that he was wearing little yellow foam earplugs in his nose.

"Wow, you must have a very sensitive nose." I joke.

"Yes indeed, Camille. Yes. indeed." He pulls out a soggy sandwich with cheese and ketchup slapped together in it. I gag at the sight of it, but luckily I haven't eaten yet so I'll be keeping my lunch down today. He takes an enormous bite and then drops it on the table like he had eaten a bug. His eyes were wide and staring straight in front of him, which was behind me. I turn around to see Grayson walking towards us. Carter jumps up and sprints over to him while yelling, "BESTIE!!!". Yep. Carter is definitely the clown of the group. He wraps himself around Grayson. I could tell Grayson was surprised, I mean, it was kind of obvious, Grayson was just standing there with his arms to his side, and eyes wide, and he was practically broadcasting his thoughts to everyone. I could tell he was thinking, "What the fuck just happened?". I laughed at the sight of Carter bear hugging Grayson. Grayson looked over at me and smiled when he saw me laughing. When Carter finally let go, Grayson walked over to me.

"Hey, Cammi!" He said with a cute smirk on his face.

"Hey, why did you miss third period? What did you have to take care of earlier?" I ask hoping for a little closure.

"Oh it was nothing, anyways, how was third period?" he asked dodging the question just like Jayce, except Grayson dodged questions a lot smoother. I decide to call him out.

"Why do you and Jayce keep dodging my question?"

"It's just not important right n-" He's cut off by a high pitch squealy voice screaming his name. It's Isabella; right along next to her is her sidekick Gwen. They walk up to us from across the cafeteria, and Gwen stepped on some girl's toe causing her to drop her lunch tray. I put my hand over my mouth, but Gwen didn't even acknowledge whose day she had ruined.

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