Part 2

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A/N Please keep in mind that this story is set in a US high school, most likely in Florida, though I am not 100% sure. I have personally never been to a US high school class, so I am unsure of how it is set up and such. With this in mind, please accept an apology if anything about the high school is described in an odd and unrealistic way. Thank you.

Mega didn't mean to trip.

Alas, it wasn't something he could control and he found himself tumbling towards the floor. As if in slow motion he could see everything around himself, yet he couldn't stop himself as he plummeted towards the ground. He closed his eyes, knowing that he dealt with pain better when he didn't see it.

Luckily, he didn't need to, arms grabbed him right before he hit the ground. The unexpected force left him unmoving with shock. Soon enough though, he recovered and peeled open his eyes. His eyes met the eyes of someone with beautiful hazel eyes, their iris switching from a jade green to a bronze.

Mega felt his face turn a little red, with blood rushing up to his cheeks. He hopped out of his fellow student's grasp, picked his bag up from where it was resting on the floor and ran away keeping the embarrassment to a bare minimum.

Soon enough, he found himself in the art room, where he had exactly zero classes. Silently thanking his subconscious, Mega inhaled and exhaled, taking in and pushing out large amounts of air. After breathing a considerable amount, he collected himself and walked over to his next class, AP Physics.

As he sat down in the classroom, the school bell rang. He opened up his bag, flipping through the many heavy textbooks in the large backpack. Trying to find the only red rimmed textbook inside his bag, Mega pushed aside the other heavy rainbow colored books. After flicking through every single one of his books and counting them, he realized that he was missing his Physics textbook.

Taking in a deep breath, Mega wrote some simple words on his whiteboard, missing his text to speech phone app. He started to lift his hand, regretting every moment of it. Truly the teacher was awful, he'd only been in the class for two weeks, but the teacher had already verbally attacked him for being mute. Mega's hand got close to being seen by the teacher when the door to the classroom opened.

"Hello Mr. Smith," came the voice from the door, "I have a book that belongs to one of your students, do you mind giving it to them?"

Mega narrowed his eyes at the door, becoming aware of the fact that the student there was none other than the student that had caught him earlier in the day. He felt his cheeks flush pink, though it was all safely covered by his forest green scarf.

Mega saw Mr. Smith grab the textbook and heard the door close with a thud. Mr. Smith opened up the textbook to the first page, reading off the name written on the other side of the cover.

"Mega," was the name that slipped out of Mr. Smith's lips. In an almost impossible feat, Mega felt himself flush even redder with embarrassment. He walked up to the front of the classroom and grabbed the heavy red book before speed walking back to his comfortable seat in the back of the classroom.

Mega would've sworn he could feel the heat of everyone's gazes on him, making not just his cheeks red. Thankfully, for the first time ever, Mr. Smith helped him by clearing his throat and bringing everyone back to talk of vector shields. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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