Dark Days

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The team wasn't the same anymore. Not with Ethan gone. Days were quiet and dull without the purple haired ball of sarcasm and bad jokes that they all knew so well.
The funeral was the saddest day in the history of the avengers. Not a single eye was dry. They all had lost a dear friend, And each and every one of them struggled with the grief of Ethan being gone. 

Thor and Bruce both blamed themselves for not being on that mission. 

Steve, Nat blamed themselves for not being able to do anything. 

Tony blamed himself for not being at the base. If he was there he could have helped Ethan, and he'd be here right now. 

But none of them came close to feeling as guilty as Clint. He was there.. and was completely helpless. He was the one who had to close the doors. He was the last one who got to see Ethan face to face. On top of that.. they never made up after the incident. They never got back to being friends. Now, they never will. 

It was the night of the funeral and Clint sat alone in the common area of the tower. Staring blankly at his old friends bean bag. 

"You seem to be holding up." Clint recognized the tone of sarcasm instantly. 

"Hey Nat" Natasha sat next to Clint. He wasn't exactly wanting company, But Clint didn't mind Nat sitting with him. Despite how tough she acted, Natasha was a really caring friend. 

"Wanna talk about it?" 


The two sat in silence for a while. Clint still barely wrapping his head around the fact he would never see Ethan again. His best friend.. was gone. And there was nothing he could do. 

"C'mon let's go" Nat says after a good while.

"Hm?" Clint murmured snapping out of his thoughts.

"Let's go get a drink, you've been wallowing for long enough." Clint sighs. "He wouldn't want to see you like this." She ads. Clint hesitates before nodding and getting up.

"Yeah okay.. let's go."

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