1| The News

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Deric slammed the old trunk of his car closed and trudged up the porch steps to his house. He went inside, hoping he wouldn't see his mother and Jake waiting for him how they had yesterday. He knew that they wanted to tell him "news" but he didn't wait to hear it - he had been  afraid they were going to be married. He had simply spun on his heel and walked to his car and drove off. His mother was asleep on the couch by the time he got home, and Jake was gone. 

He looked around the small old fashioned kitchen for something to eat, and decided on an big red apple that seemed to be begging him to feast on it. Glancing around the simply furnished dining room and front room, he headed up the creaky stairs to his room to finish writing a history essay that was due the next week. He liked handing things in early so that he wouldn't have to worry or stress about them later.

Deric tried to open the door to his room, but it was jammed again. He could have fixed it if his mother would let him, or if his mother would let him hire someone to come and fix a lot of things in the small home. He could even be living in a huge mansion up on the side of the mountain if his mother would just use the money she had. No, she only used it for food and bills, thanks to Jake's new "save up and get rich" program he started. Why save up to get rich if you already were rich? They were just fine without Jake and his silly ideas. Deric rammed up against the door a few times until it fell open, sprawling him across the floor in his room - right at the feet of Jake. If it was someone else, Deric would have kicked them out of his room, but his mother let Jake go wherever he wanted in the home. Deric's face turned red with embarassment and he stood up to go retreat somewhere else, but his mother - Stacy - was already standing in the doorway.

"Deric honey, Jake and I need to tell you something important." Stacy started. Deric shook his head and began to move past her, but Jake got in his way.

"It's important Deric." Stacy said in her 'I'm telling you to listen to me right now' tone. Deric sighed and motioned for her to continue. She looked up at Jake, who smiled incourigingly. Stacy continued. "Deric, Jake and I are going to get married."

It wasn't really a surprise to Deric, but he instantly objected to it anyways. He didn't trust Jake. Jake was too secretive, and he only cared about himself and being rich.

"Mom, be stupid - he just wants our money. That's all he cares about."

Stacy looked hurt, but Deric just shook his head again and walked in between them. He knew they would get married anyways. Nothing he said would change anything. But he had to make sure that she knew what she was getting into before everything that they had worked for went down the drain.

It was too late.

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