The Vanishing Glass

Start from the beginning

(But he ... very fast.)

Remus let out a sigh of relief.

(Perhaps it had ... for his age.)

"No, it's the genes. Lily was short for her age." Remus said.

(He looked even ... clothes of Dudley's,)


This time it was Hermione who yelled.

(And Dudley was ... on the nose.)

Sirius growled, loudly.

(The only thing ... bolt of lightning.)

"You liked it?" Ron asked completely surprised that his friend actually liked the damn thing.

"That was before I knew how I got it." Harry said.

"You didn't know how you got the scar?" Ginny asked completely bewildered.

"Yeah. Hagrid told me."

"WHAT?!" Both Hermione and Molly yelled at the same time.

(He had had ... your parents died,")

"She told you lies?! About James and Lily's deaths!" Remus all but yelled.

"Yeah." Harry said.

Remus just growled, along with Sirius.

(she had ... ask questions. ")

"How will he learn?" Hermione shrieked. The thought of not asking questions was like a nightmare to the bushy haired girl.

"Is that why you don't ask us questions in class." Flitwick asked.

At Harry's nod he said, "You know that you can."

"I know. It's just a habit."

(Don't ask questions ... a morning greeting.)

"Not gonna work." Fred, or George said.

"Yeah, James never managed to tame his hair, and his father had created Sleekeazy's hair potion." Remus said.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. Fleamont Potter, your grandfather created Sleekeazy's. It made the Potter profits increase by a third." Hermione said.

"How do you know that?" Ron asked.

"I read."

(About once a ... over the place.)

"True." The twins said together.

(Harry was frying ... pig in a wig.)
The twins fell off their chairs laughing, again.

"You should apologize." Luna said.

Many people looked at her in confusion.

"That wasn't nice.... To the pig." Luna said.

Many people laughed.

(Harry put the ... last year. ")

"I don't get that many." Malfoy muttered. "And they call me spoilt."

("Darling, you haven't ... the table over.)

"How often does that happen?" Remus asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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