Chapter 2

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I had to get out of here. 

I laid there for a while waiting for my dad to fall asleep. He snores pretty loud, so I can hear it from the living room or wherever he's sleeping. Once I hear the snores I begin with my plan.

By the time you're reading this I'm at the bottom of some lake or ocean. 

Goodbye forever assholes


I grab my phone and smash it so that my father and his friends can't contact me. I look to my right and see my small backpack. I grab the small bag and put a change of clothes in it. I also grab the huge wad of cash I've had hidden beneath the floorboard under my bed. Putting it in my bag as well, I sneak out the window. Skillfully I somehow manage shutting it behind me as I climb down to the ground.

I begin running as fast as I can closer to town until I come across a bus stop. 

I wait for the bus and climb on giving them the required money and taking a seat. 


I pull my hood over my head and lean against the window, waiting till the last stop the bus can take me. I've lost count of how many buses I've been on, I just know its been a few days seeing the outside world change. 

"Ma'am this is as far as I can take you" the guy says. I look around seeing I'm alone on the bus obviously besides the driver. 

"Thank you" I tell him kindly. "Not a problem hun" he tells me driving off after I had gotten off. I look around seeing buildings and people everywhere I look. I'm walking down the dark street trying to figure out where I am or someone I can ask to help me with that. 

I've got no more money left for buses so I can't hop on another one and go. I see on a billboard the words 'BEST FOOD IN CALIFORNIA' 

Holy shit. I went from North Carolina, all the way to here in California. No wonder I was on the bus for a few days.

"Hey baby" I hear behind me. I'm frozen in fear at the mysterious males dark tone. "Are you lost? I can help you" he says coming closer to me making me back up. "Uuhh, n-no thanks, I'm good" I say turning to leave when he covers my mouth with his hands and drags me into some dark alley and takes off my clothes. He punches me several times knocking me unconscious. 

The last thing before everything goes black is him sloppily putting my clothes back on and leaving me there, bruised, sore and bloody.


Taylor's POV

I'm walking down the street late at night headed to my car when I see someones arm laying on the ground, thinking it's just someone homeless I hear a voice; soft but in pain. I walk over to the person to see it's a girl. She look young, like maybe 19 or 20.

"Are you okay?" I ask softly to the mystery girl. She shifts her gaze to me and her eyes widen in fear and she goes to scoot back away from me, wincing in pain as she does.

"Hey, hey I'm not going to hurt you. I promise" I try telling her. I can see her contemplating whether to trust me or not.

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