His eyes

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Those honey brown eyes
That shines so brightly in the sun
Wish I could say you were mines
But mind says to stop these feelings

With sparkles in his pupil
That never fails to capture me
Once again he did it
Made me fell into his loophole

His intimidating eyes
His fierce shape look
He's got it all
All to make me fall

I've tried so hard to come out
But those same brown eyes
Trapped me again
And now there's no way of escaping

Convincing myself to stop
But my heart doesn't seem to listen
Whatever my brains says
These bubbles seem to pop

For a while he'd been gone
Telling myself he's not the one
Now that he's here again
Can't seem to figure out what I want


Highlight of the day

I was standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus to come. And I saw a bus passed by and inside sat this boy. But it wasnt just any boy. It was my first crush! I haven't seen him in a long time since we were both in the same primary school but now we're in different high schools. But I only saw his eyes since he had a mask on cause of corona and shit🙄 But I knew it was him cause I could never forget his eyes. We were staring at each other for a couple of seconds until the bus left and there I was standing bewildered with a rapid heart beat that wasnt going to slow down anytime soon. I thought I didnt like him anymore since we havent seen each other in a long time. But boy was I wrong. He still manages to make me flustered, anxious, nervous and my heart beating even if I only saw his eyes. I guess what they say is true. You can never forget your first love/first crush!

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