Chapter 2: Sleepover and Cats.

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The walk to Aizawa’s wasn’t too long, maybe about twenty-seven minutes just walking, so Izuku didn’t have any complaints. While walking Izuku opened his mouth to talk, “You know that you’re showing me where you live, I’ll just randomly drop by from now on.” 

Aizawa just has a long-suffering look on his face and replies “ Go figures.” 

They approached their destination and it wasn’t long till Aizawa had to pull out his key and hear the click of the unlocked door. Before they walked in, Aizawa turned his head and looked at Izuku,,, and spoke with a smirk, “Hope you don’t mind cats.” 

Izuku let out a short startled laugh at the statement and they walked into the apartment. The living space was bland, with monochrome colors and random sprawled out papers at the table; but for Izuku it radiated more homely energy than he ever did.  “Nice place.” Before Aizawa even had the chance to reply, three cats meowed and approached the duo. 

“Midoriya meets Tigger, the orange one, Leftovers the grey one, and Dumpster is the black and white bicolored one.” The smaller male snorts at the names,” You should never be able to name anything ever again old man.” All Aizawa gave in response was to give a mock glare in Izuku's direction. “The guest room is down the hallway first door on the left, the bathroom is on the right if you ever need it.” Izuku gave a nod in response and made his way to the guest room. 

The room was cozy and bland like the rest of the apartment, the walls were a light grey, and the bedsheets blue, it was spacious enough. Izuku didn’t give a seconded thought before flopping on the bed, and fuck was it a whole lot better than his shitty one. It wasn’t long before Izuku fell asleep, it didn’t matter that he was in a new environment; he hasn’t slept in three days because of tidal waves of insomnia, and the uneasiness of his father’s presence.





When Izuku woke up he felt refreshed for the first time in a long time, the feeling of rest has never come easy to him. He does a full-body stretch and slowly makes his way out of the comforting embrace of the bed. He proceeded to walk to the kitchen to try to find something to eat, finding something solid to eat was rare when his father was around. He opened the fridge and scavenged through it and it was relatively empty besides a few vegetables, fruit, yogurt, and jelly packs. Izuku just stared in the fridge for a second before opening his mouth,” How the fuck has this man survived off of this.” Even with his complaints, he doesn’t hesitate to grab a strawberry juice pack, and plots himself on Aizawa’s couch, and lays there sucking his juice pouch. Not even a second goes by when Aizawa walks in noticing the boy.

“I see that you raided my fridge,” Aizawa replies gruffly but with no real heat behind the words.

“Like there was anything to raid, how do you even function?” Aizawa responds,” Usually Hizashi comes by and makes breakfast for the both of us.” Izuku snorts at the answer,” Wow, Zawa, you are something else,” the smirk is obvious in the younger’s voice.

“Speaking of Hizashi, he’ll be coming over in fifteen minutes or so. Try not to be too much of a little shit for the love of God.” Izuku doesn’t bother trying to look innocent in the light of his mischief. “I’ll try.” Aizawa doesn’t even look a fraction convinced, but doesn’t respond; instead, he heads to the kitchen to make coffee. Aizawa called out “Do you want any?” Izuku sat up and looked at what Aizawa was doing, and gave a thumb up in response.

Once the coffee was made Aizawa stayed standing at the counter while Izuku went and grabbed his cup. Not a second later a knock was heard and the door slammed open” SHOUTAAAA.” Izuku flinched back at the loud noise and his eyes flew open, “what the fu-”

Aizawa interpreted the sentence midway, “Hizashi inside voice, we have a guest” Exasperation was clear in his voice, you could tell by the tone it was an ongoing thing between the two. Once the blond heard the word guest blush colored his cheeks and his eyes set upon Izuku. 

“Hey, sorry about that little listener I’m Hizashi Yamada, you can call me Hizashi though.” The blond words were kind and his voice was thankfully an inside voice. Izuku smirked, expression filled with mischief early flinch all forgotten and respond, “My name is Izuku Midoriya, I’m Zawa’s secret love child.” Aizawa spits out his coffee while Hizashi’s jaw dropped and before his friend could say anything he quickly intervened “Miydoria is NOT my secret love child, god I told you to behave, not be a little shit.” Instead of gracing Aizawa with a response, Izuku gives a cheeky grin that highlights his dimples. 

“In my defense, I was doing what you call a logical ruse,” Izuku pipes up with a shit-eating grin leaving his sharp canine teeth on display. Hizahsi doesn’t even attempt to hide his full-blown laughter, it's loud and full of humor and Izuku's quiet sniggers were overlapped by it. Aizawa just resigned to his company's antics. 

“If you two are done can you at least make breakfast before subjecting me to this slander.” Izuku snorts and reaches for his coffee and heads back to the living room.

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