Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It all stared in Kate Michelle. When Faith was out of her mind about black opps 2. Complaining that fighting zombie’s is stupid and would never happen in our lifetime. She said anyone that played it was just stupid. She was a very mean and strict teacher all of the kids hated her. Since it was raining out she was told to get the third graders in case it was thundering out. She walked step by step then all a sudden everything went silent. And the sky had this weird ashy color to it like it does when something evil is about to happen. The bell rang making Faith jump at the sound. She went and got the third graders that hated her so much. They decided to pull a prank on her. The plan was to make a kite and to put a door key on the kite. Then make her come outside and get struck by lightning so her skin would peel. So Issiah had to say “help help im stuck on something.”

 Then she comes to help me I let the kite go knowing she will grab it. Then boom bam lightning strikes it. She gets fried oh no. No more evil teacher. We know there is something weird about her and today is the day we are going to prove it to the whole school. She fell for our little trick and took the kite just as a burst of lightning hit it and before we knew it or could change our minds bam she was fried our evil teacher lay there dead. Slowly she got up and morphed in to a brain eating zombie. How did that happen we didn’t mean for this to happen.

 “Run if you want to survive!”

“Don’t leave anyone behind. She will bite and kill your friend’s so help people even the one that’s not your buddy’s. So they don’t suffer. If you don’t help someone we will throw you out. Got it.”

“Yes sir.”

 “Now run and grab your class mates.”


 “Run back in then lock all doors in the school. Then board up the windows then the doors.”

“Then we go to the evil laree?”

  “NO! Then we grab all of the weapons, and we give everyone a gun, ammo, and a knife, maybe a sword if we can find them.” “Do you want to survive?”

 “Yes sir.”

 “Then go do this and get it done right.”

 “Right away sir.”

 “Get the 2nd graders and below in the basement and make sure they are in a cage without any bars.”


 “Put some of my body guards in with them so they will be safer.”

 “On it sir.”

“Now we are at war.”

 “Watch out for the top of the building and come down get me the zombie killa if you see any zombie’s trying to get in.”

 “Ok um hi we need you guys now.”

 “Ok hold on were on are way.”

 “Ok come fast they broke in.”

 “Keep them away from you. I am on my way.”

 We have a whole school to keep safe so I have to be strong and protect everyone. I know this is going to be the fight of my life but I am strong and I will do what it takes to keep my school and my friends safe. From now on I am the zombie killa.

pic of Faith on the side

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