Chapter 1

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I wake up in a dark room, I soon realize I am tied to a chair and I immediately start to panic. 'Why am I here, who brought me here' I think while looking around the room. I see a security camera in the corner, the red light was blinking. Someone is watching me. "I know you can see me" I stutter obviously nervous "why am I here, who are you?!". Silence. I ask again "who are you, why am I here?!". still no reply. I ask a third and final time, and I get a reply. "I finally got you, my dear, you are all mine now" the voice says "I am Gudetama but please call me you're beloved". "Are you crazy!" I shout "you kidnap me and now you claim that you love me?!". 

The door, that I just realized was there opened and there stood an egg. It was the most terrifying egg I had ever seen yet a bit sexy. 'What am I thinking this is my captor I should be terrified not thinking it's sexy!' "I'm so glad you can finally see me, I've already seen you though, you always look so nice walking home" Gudetama says "are you hungry dear? I made a meal just for you". I hesitate. Now that I thought about it I was quite hungry. "Uhm yes I am hungry" I reply instantly regretting my decision. 

It untied my legs and I was led to the kitchen. It looked old yet clean, sitting on a table with two chairs was a plate of eggs, toast, and bacon. 'Wait eggs! isn't that cannibalism! but I'm the one eating them. it stilled cooked them!'. It leads me to the table and sits me down, then proceeds to retie my legs together so I can't escape. After that, it picks up a fork and feeds me eggs. I don't hesitate, I eat the eggs. 'It's a bit strange that an egg is feeding me eggs'. When breakfast finished I thought about how it was sort of creepy. Will I ever get home?  

A/N idk what i'm doing my friend gave me this idea so here we are

That One Egg yandere  Gudetama x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum