Karaoke night

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Hopes POV
The next day I wake up to maya taking a shower , I could was so tired at first I was trying to put back all the pieces from last night back together but then maya said
"Hey can you pass me my clothing right there"
"Umm yeah sure"
I passed her the clothing she shuts the door but it managed to still be open a little , but I can literally see the water dripping down from her back and wow did she have such a nice body
"Mikaelson I see your eyes" Lizzie said as she walked in
"What? I don't know what your talking about"
"Sure you don't , umm so tonight me and the gang are going to mystic grill for karaoke night want to come?" Lizzie said with a soft smile
"Umm I have to see" I pledged
"Come on for Josie?" She asked
"I'll think about it" I said with a soft smile
"For me please ?"she begged
"...... fine" I said with a smile
"Great well see you at soccer practice" she stated
At practice

Josie's POV
"Hey hope" I said
"Umm hey Jos"
"Why you umm look so nervous"
"I'm not nervous I-"

   Maya 😻💛

Hey you left without saying bye.

It was either that or get turned on well you change in
The bathroom.

So you were watching me change? 😏
Maybe 😜😳

Hope got a message I can literally see it from the perspective hope was reading it from ...... did Hope actually like maya? I liked Hope but I never said anything because I thought she was straight I never in my life see her kiss a girl except for last night when I walked in on her and my sister but it was just a game so they didn't like each other or have a thing for each other right? That's what I told my self but looking at Hope and Lizzie right now it would seem like I just lost yet another person , because of Lizzie Hope was the only thing I had that Lizzie didn't have.
"Hey umm your going to karaoke tonight?" I asked hope
"Yeah Lizzie told me about it" she said with a smile
Are we not going to talk about that kiss last night. When Hope and I kissed I felt something, something I have never felt when I kissed Penelope, I did have a crush on Hope but that was years ago right?
"Hey jojo, sorry I'm late"
"Why do you have on Alyssa sweater"
"This isn't Alyssa sweater" she said , I could tell she was lying
"She wore it last night tho" I pointed out
"Oh umm she was just borrowing mines" Penelope said
"Ok everyone let's split up into 2 teams first team Penelope, Jed, mg, Alyssa second team Lizzie, hope, Kaleb , and Josie
"You ready to win this" Hope said to the team
"It's only practice relax" Lizzie said
"Make me relax" hope said to Lizzie with a smirk
"Guys come on" Kaleb said
Half way into the game 

Penelope fell on top of Alyssa as Lizzie Swerved them and they were starring at each other like I wasn't there.

4 hours later
"Hey jojo so umm I haven't been feeling us lately, can we go on a break?" Penelope said with a very sad face or so I thought
"Just say it...... your breaking up with me"
"No I just need time"
"Well how about this ....we're over"
I ran off crying I bumped into Hope
"Are you ok?"
"Penelope and I broke up"
I could almost see her face light up
"You think this is funny?"
"No, never are you ok?"
"Yes I'm fine"
"I'm going to kill her" Hope said
I don't know if that was her talking or the mikaelson in her talking
"No, I'm fine let's just get ready for karaoke night"
"Your still going?"
"Of course , my life doesn't stop just because of some girl"
"That's my girl..... I mean that's great" she said as I blushed
Imagine being hopes girl that was my dream since I was 12 but I don't know if Hope feels the same way.
"Hey guys where's Penelope?" Jed asked
"Why should I know?" I said
"Are you ok?" Lizzie asked me
"I'm ok..... let's start this party" I yelled
"Hey Lizzie want to maybe do karaoke with me?" Hope asked Lizzie
I was jealous I admit that wasn't fair!

After their song
They looked so happy singing that song but all I knew is it felt like Lizzie stabbed me in the back I was in love with hope and the fact that she is basically is flirting with her pisses me off she knew I liked her , right?
"Ok I'm next"
"You want me to go up there with you"
"No stay here with Lizzie flirt some more" I said with a really pissed off tone

Ain't it funny how you said you were friends
But it sure as hell don't look like it
You betrayed me
I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt you talked to her
While we were together
Loved you at your worst but that didn't matter

Hopes POV
Josie is a great singer , I listen to what she was saying to only realize she was starring at me when she said it , how did I betray her? Did Josie finally like me? She couldn't like me she just broke things off with Penelope it's too soon

Guess you didn't cheat but you still
A traitor........

"Definitely talking about you mikaelson"  Lizzie says
"No way"' I said
Was Lizzie right?

"Hey hope ...... did you like it?"
"Yeah it was amazing.... umm I'm going to go one more time"
I got up there nervous asl I needed to express my love with one song

"This song goes out to the love of my life who is here tonight umm hope you like it baby" I shouted

You are my raindrops, I am the sea
With you and god who's my sunlight
I'm blooming grown so beautifully
Baby I'm so proud , proud to be your
Girl, you make the confusion go all
Away from the cold and misty world
I am in love with you, you set me free
I can't do this thing called life with
You here with me cause I'm dangerously in
Love with you I'll never leave you.....

I finished the song , me and Josie was looking at each other the whole time I know she got the message but was it to soon to tell her how I feel...

"Hope is there something you want to tell me" Josie said

    1114 words

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