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One hour later, Hannah, Maia, Juniper, Pearl, Bessie, Sarah, Clubber, Lumbed, Horny, Sparky and Yar the Kentrosaurus were headed to the rocky quarry in the Great Valley. Suddenly three fast biting sharpteeth showed up.

" SHARPTEETH!" Horny the Styracosaurus said.

" These fast biters looked familiar to me." Clubber the Ankylosaurus said. " The ones that ambushed Pterano's first herds and massacred, then these gangs of fast biters nearly take down the second herd in the ravine back then."

" I came from the first herd idiot." Lumber the Lambeosaurus said. " One of the few survivors. Who said Pterano's entire first herd is massacred by the gang of three fast biters even though there are about a hundred of Pterano's first herds."

" Where did they came from?" Yar the Kentrosaurus said.

Clubber, Horny, Sparky, Yar and Bessie were taking on the three fast biters. Later, Pterano showed up and throws a number of tree sweets at the fast biters.

" These fast biting sharpteeth are not welcomed here in the Great Valley." Pterano the Pteranodon said.

The fast biter trio didn't stand a chance against the tree sweet.

" You three are going home hungry and sorry." Sparky the Styracosaurus said as he and Horny chase the three fast biters away.

Back at the assembly......

" Those three fast biters are gone." Sparky the Styracosaurus said.

" We've searched everywhere." Horny the Styracosaurus said.

" These fast biters must have find their new way to the Great Valley." Bessie the Stegosaurus said.

" This has been long time now since any sharpteeth come into the Great Valley." Grandpa Longneck the Apatosaurus said. " This is an extremely dangerous situation."

" The earth shake cause the rock slide off the Great Wall." Hyp the Hypsilophodon said.

" Hyp! You could have told us earlier." Pearl the Ouranosaurus said.

" The earth shake happened last night in the Great Wall." Hyp the Hypsilophodon said. " Which lead to any sharpteeth got into the valley."

" You should have told us earlier." Cera the Triceratops said.

" That means we need to close the opening entrance in the Great Wall as soon as possible." Grandma Longneck the Apatosaurus said.

" Then we must be alert and be aware during the day and the night." Topsy the Triceratops said.

Land Before Time: The Great Giving DayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon