Chapter 2

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*i don't own any of the characters*

Callie's P.O.V.
I've just finished a surgery and I just got paged down to the E.R. Arizona is working on the child I got paged to. After 20 minutes we send the girl up to be prepped for a simple surgery which me and Arizona are going to do. I walked into the scrub room and my phone starts to ring so I quickly answer seeing that it was from Bailey
*call starts*
C- " Hey Bailey what's up?"
B- " I would like to offer you a job back here and you would co-head of orthopaedics alongside Dr. Lincoln but he likes to be called Link."
C- "Wow, this is very sudden and I would have to ask Arizona but I was planning on trying to come back to Grey Sloan as New York isn't my type of place to be. I would love to come back."
B- "I was about to call Arizona if she wanted a place as well but I could let you ask her first if you would like."
C-"I think you should ask her and then we can talk about it after. You will have to call her in an hour or two because we are about to go into a surgery on a girl I was just about to start scrubbing."
B-"okay bye Torres"
*call ended*
I start scrubbing and Arizona walks in we both scrub in a comfortable silence and walk in and start our surgery.

Arizona's P.O.V
I just finished a surgery with Callie on a small girl and I'm going to check on the patient Cristina brought in yesterday. I quickly did a check up on the mother and the baby and left them to rest. My phone starts vibrating in my pocket and look at the photo I answer because it Bailey and if you don't answer her calls she gets mad.
*call starts*
B-" hello Arizona I hope you and Callie are both okay."
A-"we are both fine thank you bailey but why are you being so formal."
B-"I would like to offer you a job at Grey Sloan as co-head of paediatrics with Karev."
A-"okay I'm going to have to ask Callie I mean wow I want to but I'm not sure about her. I have only just come out here to be with her and Sofia but if she is okay with it yeah I would love to come back."
B-" okay I think she will be okay with it I have a surgery with Grey and also you can't tell anyone here that you are coming back if you do come back."
A-"Okay Bailey bye"
*call ended*

I met Callie at the end of our shift and we get into the car and I said " I got a call from Bailey today and she offered me a job there"
" Really, I think you should take it because I said yes to my offer I was just waiting for her to ask you." Callie said rambling a bit.
"Wait she asked you as well also if she asked us and Cristina is back does that mean she has asked her to come back as well"
"Probably ask her whilst I make dinner"
The drive back to our house was quiet just as well pulled up to the house "little pieces" by Gomez came on we both sat singing along doing a little dance. After the song finished we got out the car and I went to talk to Cristina.
"How was your day" she asked
"It was quite good I got a call from Bailey so did Callie we got asked if we wanted to come back to Grey Sloan and we wanted to know if that is why you are back."
"Yeah that is why I am back and I figured I could fly here and try and find you guys which worked out really well. She is also asking Addison and April and I thought we could go down to be their when Addison and April get there calls."
"Yes we are doing that I'm guessing she is calling Addison next cause she is in LA and has far to go"
"I guess so that seems to be the ways Bailey is call us." Cristina says whilst walking to go somewhere.
Callie walks in confused
"Why were you talking about Addison also what did Yang day?"
"Yang is going back to Grey Sloan and Bailey is going to call Addison next we are going to go to LA and be there when she gets asked."
"Okay also dinner is on the table"
Them at night I booked 4 tickets to LAX as soon as we arrived at where Addison works. We went to the receptionist and asked if we could see Addison Montgomery. She told us to wait in her office and she would be there in a minute. We are sat in her office and she starts to walk towards it. "Hello I am Dr.Montgomery how can I help you" she asks whilst looking down at her tablet.
"Addison, why don't you look up maybe you would like to greet your friend a bit differently" Callie says offended.
"Callie, Arizona, Yang and Sofia why are you guys here if knew you guys were coming I would have taken the day off. Also Yang how come your in the states again."
Before we could answer her questions her phone started ringing

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