Chapter One

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I wandered around my new house, the rooms were big, bigger than any house we had lived in before. I guess my dads new job really was worth moving from our beloved family home in the next town over to Wellsbury. I still got to attend the same school thought, it just meant extra money on gas.

Wellsbury was nice, it's not like i hadn't been there before - i visited quite frequently actually. My ex girlfriend lived and attended school there so for a while, it was like a second home to me. We broke up last year, but on good terms. She was older than me and was leaving for college in New York, it was always her dream and i was happy for her.

I was startled by the abrupt shout from my dad 'Vani come look at this!', his voice was filled with excitement. It was nice to hear him happy, a few years ago my mum passed - cancer. It wasn't the same without her but my dad was strong. He was strong for me.

I hurried down the stairs and to the kitchen where i found dad staring at the fridge. I walked over, confused at what he was so happy about. 'Has it finally happed, have you gone crazy?' i said sarcastically. He threw a disapproving look before swinging the doors to the fridge open. 'Are you joking? LED light in a fridge? what type of rich asshole invented that?' he said with a hint of banter in his voice. 'I'm not sure dad, i'm really not sure' i said once again with sarcasm rolling of my tongue like it was my second language. He sighed and rolled his eyes before walking away.

I stood and admired the kitchen, it was so... posh? We had never lived like this before, but my dads new job seemed to be paying pretty well. It came with its consequences though, he wasn't around as much. He worked from 8am till 8pm, and that's just his normal router. He usually picked up extra shifts. I was sad he wasn't around as much, he was my bestfriend, but i couldn't help but be so grateful for how hard he was working so i could have a better life. For that i owed him everything.

I ran my fingers down the marble island in the centre of the kitchen as i started out towards the street through the large dining room window. It was such a beautiful neighbourhood, i couldn't help but imagine how all the other people who lived there got into the position to be able to live in such a high end street.

As i got closer to the window i saw someone approach our house, friendly neighbour i assume. As she got closer my assumption grew more and more likely. In her hand lay a plate covered in cellophane, oo maybe cookies! I watched as she walked up to our door and waited for her knock. It soon came in a pattern of three pats against door and then the doorbell. A bit excessive.

My dad bolted towards the door, like he was almost expecting someone. I listened into there dialogue.
'Hi! I'm Ellen, i live just down the street i was just coming to welcome you.' her words came out like it was some sort of script she had rehearsed over and over to make sure she came of friendly enough, and sure enough she did. 'Ellen! what a lovely name, please come in. and thank you for the pie!' my dad said in his generic nice guy voice. It was hard to hold back laughter at the fake tone his voice had taken form as.

My dad, pie in hand, walked over to the island followed by Ellen. She was pretty, mid 40's maybe with short blond hair. Her smile grew as she saw me stood in the kitchen. 'Hey! Ellen' she said reaching her hand over to shake mine. I took her hand and shook it whilst premiering my most friendly smile. 'it's lovely too meet you Ellen, i'm giovanni - or vani for short' i said whilst shaking her hand. 'So polite' she spoke as she looked over to my dad. 'That's how i raised her!' he joked. They shared a small laugh before returning to conversation. 'So Vani, how old are you? do you attend wellsbury high?' she asked me still holding her smile high and proud. 'I'm seventeen, and no i don't. I go to school at Mae well' i replied engaging in her curios conversation. 'How amazing, i have twins just a year younger than you! i'm sure you'd make great friends - you seem such a nice influence' i smiled at her compliment. Though i was curious how she'd already known i was a good influence after one conversation. Mothers instinct maybe, my mum always had that.

'I'd love to meet them' i said mainly to be polite. I wasn't in dire need of friends, i had my best friend from mae well - kimmy. But i want opposed to meeting new people, who knows what it could lead to. My dad jumped into the conversation, 'They can come for dinner!' he said almost too enthusiastically. He was a huge fan of new friends, he said it was good for me. 'That would be just wonderful' Ellen agreed. 'You and your husband are welcome too, of course' my dad added on. It's would be nice for him to make some new friends as well. 'Id never say no to dinner!' she laughed.

Ellen and my dad finished up the conversation whilst i went to freshen up. My room consisted of a bed, a desk and a whole lot of box's. I scavenged through my stuff to find my toiletry bag, and i finally found it at the bottom of a box. just my luck.


I watched over from the dining room table at my dad as he checked his dinner shirts collar was on right. 'you look great dad, don't worry' i said trying to calm his nerves. His nerves got bad sometimes, and i felt responsible to calm him down as my mum usually would. He looked over and have a compassionate smile.

I looked down at my attire, i didn't want to dress up too much - it was only dinner after all. I had settled on a pair of mom jeans and a cropped black tank top, it was basic but nice. Like a yes it's basic but it's suppose to look that way kind of basic, you know?

I had helped my dad prepare a gorgeous meal, it was a linguine with side of homemade bread and a starter of soup made from our homegrown leak and potato.  Maybe a starter was too extravagant but, hey, you only live once.

I checked my watch as i looked out of the window nervously awaiting Ellen and her family's arrival.


That's when i saw them. Ellen, who i'm assuming was her husband and her Kids. When i thought of her twins, i assumed they were both girls. I'm not sure why, but that's what i was expecting - so when two teenagers, both opposite genders turned up. I was pretty surprised.

The door knocked in the same pattern of this morning, three pats and the doorbell...

AN - Hey, guess who's back. Yep, me.

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