Scott and Stiles continued to talk when they realized I didn't know the answer to their question just yet. I stared down at my papers on the tinny desk in front of me but I looked up as I felt like someone was watching me. My eyes immediately met with non other than Jackson. His cold blue eyes met mine before he looked away as if he knew he been caught watching me.

"Don't worry about him." Scott's voice growled.

I looked up to see my brother glaring at Jackson across the room, obviously seeing the jock watching me.

"He just creeps me out, especially after what happened in the bathroom a while back." I mumbled, remembering how he had cornered me after I had followed him into the bathroom when I had seen blood dripping from his ears.

Jackson then turned in his seat and leaned back, as if he wasn't just staring at me a few seconds ago. I shuttered just looking at him. He acted so weird now and I didn't like it.

Before long, our teacher walked in and quieted the students down before class began. I was barely listening to anything out teacher said as I stared out the windows that splayed across one side of the room. It looked beautiful outside. The trees swayed gently from the cool breeze and soft, white clouds littered the sky. I had to hold in a groan as I thought about how much I wished I were outside instead of being trapped in class.

I almost jumped as I heard the barely audible buzzing sound in my backpack on the floor next to me. After stealing a glance up at the teacher to see if the coast was clear, I reached down into my open bag and took my phone out. I discreetly placed my phone on my lap to read the bright new message on the screen. I had to stop myself from smiling as I saw Stiles look over at me out the corner of my eye. It was Derek. As I read the message, I felt a little confused.

Derek was telling me that he was asking Scott to not take me home because he wanted to pick me up after school.

I couldn't decide if I was more shocked that Derek was asking for Scott's permission or that he wasn't even going to try and hide stealing me away this afternoon.

In a few seconds Scott's phone was lightly buzzing in his pocket. I watched as my brother’s back tensed up as he read the words on his phone but he soon then relaxed. I couldn't really see over Scott's shoulder but I did notice that his text was much longer than the one I had received.

Before long, Scott was turning back towards me and giving me a look that almost made me feel like I was in trouble. I put my most innocent face on and smiled. Scott just shook his head and looked back down at his phone again.

Within seconds, my phone buzzed and I looked down to see Scott's name across my screen.

The Only One ( Teen Wolf )Where stories live. Discover now