10- Think before talking

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<< Carol ... you should not worry about that, he can handle it, plus Turbo Ko is in his mind, he can't get out of Ko don't want him to >>
Enid tried to reassure her, putting a hand on her shoulder
<< That's the problem. He could. >>
<< ... >>
silence fell as she stared at them, fear injected into her eyes ...
Rad cleared his throat
<< What do you mean? "He could"? It's logical impossible! >>
He said, looking at her as if she were stupid, getting crooked looks from both her and Enid
<< Why, do you think It's logical that a person is blocked inside Ko's mind? >>
Said the ninja, giving him a shot in the head
<< And bring respect to her! >>
She scolded him, making the woman giggle
<< Don't worry Enid >>
She said, looking at the two who turned to her
<< It doesn't matter, he's just ... shocked >>
<< Yeah ... how could Ko, a normal boy, hide such a big thing inside him .. >>
Rad scratched the back of his head as Enid watched him from the shelves
<< Well ... he don't have to know that you are aware of this, because I don't know if he wanted or how he could react ...>>
She murmured, looking at them
<< Okay .. >>
The two nodded, realizing they had to keep the secret.
The woman greeted them, even going to greet her sweet son ... but something went wrong.
<< I am going now sweety >>
Carol smiled, kneeling to hug him
<< Okie mommy, good work! >>
He smiled, returning the hug she gave him, speaking for the fact that she would definitely go to the Dojo.
<< Thank you honey >>
she squeezed it lightly ... but Ko felt this powerful impulse to push her, to detach her from his body .. he was so scared that he did it against his will.
Silence enveloped them as he heard a slight laugh
<< ... m-mommy I am so so so sorry ... >>
he murmured, as the tears began to pour ..
She looked at him, her eyes widening and running to comfort him
<< Nonono little peanut! >>
She said, in a sweet and patient tone, as she held him ..
The urge returned, stronger than before, but Ko pushed it back that time.
<< Sorry ... >>
he whispered again, crouching on his mother's shoulder, who in the meantime was gently stroking his back.
<< It doesn't matter now, sweety >>
She said, smiling softly
It broke away after a minute that had passed.
<< Bye everyone! >>
he greeted her with a smile, leaving the shop waving his hand.
<< She really is a strong woman >>
Rad commented, making Enid nod
<< Yeah, she is >>
He agreed to his colleague ..


Two days had passed, things had certainly not improved.
ko seemed more and more strange, more and more thoughtful ... and of course, everyone was worried about this, knowing what had happened.
At the moment, Enid was with the boy with the red headband, she was helping him with some boxes to put in place ..
<< Ko? >>
the ninja asked, seeking a conversation with the smallest; They hadn't spoken for more than ten minutes, and the silence was putting her in an awkward position.
<< .. yeah, enid? >>
the little one asked, it took a few seconds for his answer .. it didn't seem a particularly emotional response, a normal response if you can say so.
<< Well, I was thinking .. maybe you want to talk a bit? >>
The girl asked, she didn't seem to have the usual light tone.
<< About ?>>
The smallest asked, turning his gaze to her.
<< About y - >>
A sudden explosion was heard in the ears of the boys, almost to make them fall.
Rad jumped in, taken aback by the thud he had just heard
<< It was from outside! >>
Enid said, immediately turning her head from the back door, as they were in the warehouses.
The two older ones immediately rushed out.
The youngest seemed thinking for a few seconds .. and shaking his head, he did the same thing that the older ones did.
a box, large and red, with precise writing on it was in front of them; * Boxmore *.
<< Again? It will be a joke! >>
Enid said with a determined look.
<< Yeah! >>
Rad followed closely as the box opened, revealing three robots: Darrel, Shannon and Raymond, robots well known to the three.
<< That's it! This time we will win! >>
Shannon said, in the center of the trio, as a circular chainsaw appeared in her right hand.
<< You said it even last time! You won't! >>
Rad said, immediately in response from the orange robot, immediately lunging at her.
enid did the same, only against Raymond.
And so .. Ko also found himself fighting, against the robot with the red polish; Darrel.
He went on the attack, trying to stay focused on the battle and not on his own thoughts.
snapped, one snapped fast and almost imperceptible, yet the robot perceived it faster than usual .. Ko's movements seemed careless, not being coordinated with the thoughts he had.
He was thrown to the wall, following a laugh.
"Come on Ko, you can't give up just now .." he thought standing up, shaking his head quickly.
He got back into battle, but soon after a punch was thrown back to the wall, this time the robot was holding his arms ..
<< Ah! Trapped! >>
Darrell's loud, annoying voice rang in Ko's ears as he watched the robot's hands on his arms.
"A way a way to free myself ...."
But he couldn't concentrate, his mind wasn't there, it wasn't in the battle, it wasn't in the earth.
<< KO !! >>
her mother's first sweet, now lively voice rang out in her thoughts, clouding them.
Darrell was thrown away and Ko fell to his knees, free from the grip.
<< Oh my god are you okay?! >>
She asked, raising her face with concern.
The boy looked away, with light sighs
<< Yeah, mommy, thank you .. >>
The woman looked at him, worried even more.
He hated seeing his son… so.
He was dull, sad, he hadn't laughed for days, and the smiles were empty.
<< Honey ...- >>
was interrupted as she spoke, the heavy footsteps behind her being heard as she stood up, which Ko imitated.
<< Ko, child, are you alright? >>
Asked the big man, shirtless as usual.
<< Yeah ... I am >>
He said, looking at the man with a note of shame.
<< Let us do the work, Ko. You are not capable enough. >>
"You are not capable enough"
"You are not capable enough"
"You are not capable enough"
That phrase boomed in his head for several seconds as he stared dazedly at the sound.
raymond, Darrell and Shannon were beaten with ease thanks to Gar and Carol.
<< ... >>
The boy shook his head, he heard the voices of his friends distant and muffled ..

<< Gene! How could you?! >>
Carol began, right after sending the enemies back where they came from.
<< Wha- what did I do? >>
he asked, confused. He hadn't thought that what he had said had hurt the mood of his little worker.
<< How could you say that! To Ko! Look how you let him! >>
the boy was pointed out by his mother, making the man turn towards him .. well, he didn't look good.
As well as continuing to stare at the ground, he seemed to be in a state of emphasis, his pupils diminished, as if he were in a state of terror.
<< ... >>
<< Kid? You okay? >>
he asked, giving him a weak pat on the head, which was enough to make him jump and back away.
<< G-get ... g-get away from me! >>

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