Chapter 2 - Bill's Surprise

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"Did you pack your books?"

"What books?" Theodora asked her mother, puzzled.

"For school." Mrs. Cork sighed.

"Why would I need my school books for the summer?" Theodora frowned. "I am coming back home before the school year starts."

"It wouldn't hurt you to revise a little." Mrs. Cork crossed her arms on her chest.

"Mum, I'm doing fine at school." Theodora tried hard not to roll her eyes.

She got 6 O.W.L.s in her fifth year and she passed all her classes with better marks than she expected and her mother was still nagging her. She is comparing her youngest to her eldest too much. Theodora's brother was the best in his year in every class and he's getting a promotion at work.

Theodora has been home for 14 days and it's all her mother talks about. Theodora found out about the promotion before anyone else because Eric wrote to her the second he got the news.

As much as she's happy for him, that much her mother is getting on her nerves for it. She might be 17 but Mrs. Cork still acts as if she's 11 and is hoping Theodora might follow her brother's footsteps or at least go back to her dream when she was a second-year – becoming a Curse Breaker.

Theodora still remembers the conversation she had with her mother last year when she told her that she is not joining Eric in America nor going to work for the Wizarding Bank. She was mustering the courage to tell her she changed her mind for a week before sitting her down and to say that her mother was disappointed with her decision was an understatement.

Theodora knew she isn't going to support her new career choice but she didn't care. She found her passion and she is going to follow it. Dad did the same – an inspired Magizoologist trying to write a book about all magical creatures in Asia. And what did her mother do when he told her about his journey? She filed for divorce instead of supporting him.

The only thing Theodora and Eric have of their dad now is his monthly letters and a few pictures per year as their mother doesn't even allow him to visit.

Theodora used to ask herself why Eric didn't take an Auror job here in England. Why go all the way across the Atlantic? Now that she saw her mother in her true form – being alone with her ever since Eric finished school – she understood that he wanted to be as far away from her as possible.

"You can always do better." Mrs. Cork pursed her lips, watching her daughter's every move while she was putting clothes in her trunk.

"I'll take the books if it'll make you happy." Theodora tried her hardest to keep her voice casual.

The last thing she needed was for her mother to change her mind and her being stuck in this house with her because of it.

"Molly will write to me every week to let me know how you are behaving. You be nice while you're there and don't you dare step out of line." Mrs. Cork raised her voice.

"Ok, mum." Theodora bowed her head.

She couldn't wait to spend the summer at the Burrow with her best friends and their siblings. Mrs. Weasley is strict but at least she is a loving mum.

Theodora didn't even bother to wait and see if her mother is going to hug her. She took the trunk outside, took her jacket off the hanger just in case there would be a chilly summer night, and turned to the door where her mother stood, her arms still crossed on her chest.

If Theodora didn't know any better, she would say that she was judging her. She hated how her mother watched her every movement and thanked Godric – for what seemed the tenth time this morning – that the twins convinced her to spend the summer at the Burrow.

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