Start from the beginning

Realization hits him that he was in the era when the people were ruled by powerful people. People who were favored by the heavens, and two of them are just beside him. Syl felt so excited about his discovery.

Syl's attention was all in the image that he didn't notice that he was standing on the edge of the cliff. Archid is so nervous that he grabs Syl by the wrist and he pulled him hard toward him.

Syl felt that his being pulled by someone and he hit the hard chest of that person and his wrist is starting to hurt, tried to pull his wrist from the tight hold but it only gets tighter.

"Are you out of your mind? Do you realize how high this place is?" Archid shouted angrily. Syl was dumbfounded by the King's outburst and try to respond.

Archid saw that this person doesn't even pay attention to his surroundings and just runs blindly in his own death, he was too lost in his own mind and this makes him irritated he wants to teach this person a lesson.

Before Syl could answer, he saw that the King went behind him and grabs him by his waist, and carries him to the place where he was standing earlier.

"Open your eyes and see for yourself how high this place is, and what kind of danger you put yourself into," he heard Archid said angrily at him, but he felt that the hold in his waist become tighter. Archid saw that he was not opening his eyes, "I said open them up, see for yourself,"

"Your Majesty please," Syl heard Ren said with a trembling voice.

Archid just looks at Ren menacingly, and Ren felt his knees become weak because of that look, and Nick quickly supported him. Nick was about to say something but when he saw his brother's look he decided not to speak at all.

Syl is so scared to open his eyes and see what in front of him, but he felt the heavy feeling in his surroundings and felt Archid heart beating so fast. He knew that the person is angry at him but his hold is so firm and tight he knew that this person won't let go. So he stilled himself and decided to open his eyes. Syl slowly opens his eyes and looks down and what he saw almost causes him to vomit. He immediately holds on to the arms around him and inhales so deep. Imaging himself falling on this place, he  is sure that when his body hits the ground no bone will be intact. He wonders if he opens his eyes will he be in his time or he will be dead.

Archid felt the person in his arms shivered and brought the person with him in a safe place and supported him to sit on the ground and crouched down with him.

Syl's knees feel so week that he cannot stand on his own and he felt cold all over his body just thinking that he almost died because of excitement, he wanted to vomit blood because of his stupidity. No wonder Archid almost kill him on his own. He raises his head to look at the King and saw the stern look on his face but when he looks at his eyes he could see that this person is worried about him.  Syl felt uncomfortable and knew this time was his fault he needs to apologize. He was about to open his mouth when he felt the warm palm cupping both of his cheeks and he stared at the King.

Archid stared at the pale face of his consort. This is the first time that he felt scared when he saw Syl run to the edge of the cliff his heart almost jump from his chest, and he felt terrified thinking that this person will die in front of him and leave him. He just saw him again and now he is almost lost him again. He never felt scared for himself but for this person, he almost loses his rationality just one step, and Syl will be out of his reach.

He watches as the person slowly realized what almost happened to him, and he saw different emotion in that expressive eyes of his and knows that the person feels embarrassed and is about to apologize, but he didn't what to hear it. Instead, he cups the small face with both of his hands and makes that person look at him.

"Promise me, that you will always be mindful of your surroundings. Never do this again," he said firmly.

"I... was just so excited I didn't notice, this will be the last time, I promise," Syl said while staring straight at him.

"Good," Archid said and lean down and kiss Syl's pale lips. Syl's eyes widen and hold his breath with surprise and weren't able to react quickly.

Ren and Nick were dumbfounded at the things that happened in front of them. Nick grabs Ren's arm when he noticed that he was about to run to his brother when they saw their situation. "Don't worry nothing bad will happened" he leans to Ren's ears and speaks with a soft voice to calm the person beside him. Ren watches with worried eyes until he saw that the King let go of his brother and struggled to get out of Nick restrained and run to his brother. When Nick felt Ren's struggles he immediately let go of the person in his hold who was sick and worried with the consort.

Once Ren felt that no one is restraining him he quickly run beside his brother. "Brother how are you?" he waited for the consort to answer him but it looks like that the consort wasn't able to respond at this time because of shock. "Brother, can you hear me?" Ren asked again worriedly while waving his hand in front of Syl.

Syl saw Ren's worried face and nonchalantly answered back, "I'm fine," and look again at the person in front of him and rage morph on his face after realizing what happened and he quickly throws the rock that he grabs beside him to the King and it landed to his head.

Archid who was hit by the rock on the back of his head sprang back and saw that Syl was standing with the help of his brother and saw the rage in his eyes. "Good his fine," Archid thought to himself.

"So how do we go down from here?" he heard his consort ask.

"That's another surprise that I have for you," he answered back.

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