Ow tough

Placing the Transponder away
And walked out of the room

Flying out of the island and over to dressrosa

Jan if you want to come out you can - I said
Through the sky

Soon seeing jan pop out holding on to my coat

So I slowed down

A bit so she's wouldn't have to struggle

No fair- ace said

You never know what might happen ace-
I said

Passing by many boat's and ships on my way there

Knowing Caesar he might tell Doflamingo that I was working for big Mom all along

I now thought about what might happen in the meantime As I was flying over to dressrosa

When I had I arrived ,
I had a nice view of the place

Finding a place to land and walk into the town casually

Finding one

I flew down
And took off my coat
And walk into the town

Stay close jan- I whisper walking to the side
Of the side walk

Seeing many people
And toys

Walking by a sweet's shop

And walk inside and order some cookies to go

Waiting for them to be done
Stilling next to many people and toy's

Once They handed me my cookies I walked out

Seeing many people
And Marine's what's happening today

As I walked eating the cookies and handing jan small bits

Eventually walking pass the CP-0
Just was else is Doflamingo planning

I smile

Passing a alleyway with a blonde peeking out at someone

Walking pass him
I made eye contact for a short

Something was off about him
Turning forward
And seeing hand
That was about to hit me or grab me?

I back up and grab the hand
Looking around

I blow wind at them into the alley
And went into the crowd
Blending is as the blonde came out slowing along with a girl looking for me

Getting a closer look at the boy
And noticing

Sabo!?- I shouted as I was pushed with the crowd

All I was able to see was him turn in responded with the name

Was that just sabo?!

Who's sabo?- jan said

A childhood friend that was dead- I said

Ooh- jan said continuing eating her cookie

Is Ace awake?- I said

Nope he went to sleep - jan said

I sighed he would have cried

I rushed to the side avoiding the crowd

Walking into a alley way and pulling out a paper and pen

Writing my location and location of the castle

Closing the paper and placing the pen alway

Maybe I'll see him again

Jan let's go sight seeing I said
Walking back into the crowd

And walking normally around

Keep a close eye on my surroundings
As I walked around

Eventually finding a Arena

With people lining up to go inside

What's happening
I walk up to some and tap their shoulders

Do you happen to know what's going here?- I said

Huh? Are you new here , it's a fight , winner get's Ace D . Roger's
Flare Flare fruit- They said

Huh his fruit?
How is that even possible

But it sounds fun!
I walked forward

And pulled out my
Transponder and called bege

Waiting for him to answer
When he did
I was quick to reply

Hey , you said you'll be here by night right?- I said

Uh maybe there's slight problems here- bege said

Okay great Im gonna enter into a fight- I said

Huh what!?- bege said
But I hanged up
And placed my Transponder away

Moving to the alley way
And taking off my face cover

Moving some of my hair to cover my hair in the front

Blowing air into my hair to fluff it up and look messy

Clipping the hair pins to the front making sure the hair wouldn't move

Are you really gonna enter?- jan said

Yup - I said
Making my voice a little different

Walking out of the alley way and straight to the to the feont of the arena

Walking up to the lady at the counter

I'll like to enter- I said

Alright , here- she said
Looking me up and down then handing me a paper

Sign your name down- she said

Huh name?

I thought for a moment the wrote down 'cookie'

As my name for this

Handing it back to her she
Handed me a paper with
My name cookie

No. 0334


Your in block C- She said

Then pointed inside a door way

And I nodded going inside
Walking through

With jan

Maybe you should go into your room jan , and hand him some cookies too- I said

Okay- jan said

This is gonna be so fun!

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