The Day Everything Went Wrong

Start from the beginning

The two continue their search in silence. The tension between them could be cut with a knife as they walked through the forest alone. Ethan was trying to force himself not to think anything to do with or about what was going on between him and Clint. Not the awkwardness, not the fact he was drifting away from one of his closest friends, all because of a drunken kiss.

He was failing. How could he not think about it? Clint was one of his best friends, and he ruined it. Completely ruined it by acting dumb while drunk. This was all his fault. Would anything ever be the same again?

Ethan was snapped out of his thoughts when something catches his eye. Clint was examining a tree that had some sort of mark on it.

"Hey Ethan-"



Clint turned around as Ethan knelt down to the ground. Clint was confused until he saw it, Tank tracks.

"The tracks are fresh, Hydra was here" Ethan says after examining the tracks

"We found tank tracks, we're following them to the base now" Clint says to the others over the coms.

"Copy, tell us as soon as you find a location on the base" Nat says over coms.

"For the record I'm the one who found it, Clint was being a tree hugger" Ethan says "I was not!" Clint says exasperated.

"Could you two maybe get along for 1 mission?" Steve questions. Ethan rolls his eyes.

"Why don't you focus on the mission and stop playing dad capsicle"

Tony could be heard laughing over the coms

"They got you there cap" Steve's sigh was audible.

"Finish the mission, argue later" Nat says over coms.

"Okay mom" Ethan whines sarcastically.

"Really Ethan? Really?" Nat says. Ethan laughs, he could feel Nat's glare from here.

"Fine, fine. I'll behave" He says, and that was the end of the discussion.

Clint couldn't help but smile. This was the first time he saw Ethan joking and being himself since the mission. Maybe things would get back to normal between the two of them. At least he hoped they would.

Clint and Ethan follow the tracks side by side in an awkward silence.

"Found the base, sending coordinates now" Ethan says as he and Clint had found the entrance to the base that was half underground. Ethan walks up to the door finding a key pad. "Oh fantastic! I get to have some fun" Ethan was a bit of a tech head. Not as literally as Tony though. He simply had a fondness of hacking and breaking locks, and he got really good at it.

"I'll keep a look out for any hydra agents while you work" Clint says. Ethan hums in acknowledgement as they pull up his sleeves revealing the watch-like sleeve of tools under their coat. All sorts of tech being held close to his body for easy access.

"Okay We're in" Ethan says as they press a button the door opening. "Wow that was fast,'' Clint says, surprised. "Normally I would say something snarky but this time I'm agreeing with you. It was fast.. and way too easy. Keep your guard up" Ethan says going to walk in. "Ethan wait, we should wait for the others." Clint says. "Really Clint? really? I think we'll be fine. But whatever" Ethan rolls his eyes. "Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow. I obtained entrance to the base. Do you copy?"

"We're a bit held up right now!" Tony yells though the coms, fighting could be heard from his side.

"We are dealing with Hydra, use this as a diversion while you two get the prisoners." Steve says.

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