Chapter 5

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Though the man was now living in your house, your life went on as normal. You went to work, you visited friends, you went shopping, and you even went on dates. You didn't bother to ask what Hans did while you were away, you assumed he slept and ate the groceries in your home and you honestly didn't really care what he was doing as long as he didn't trash the place. He was a clean man and for all you were concerned, he was a better roommate than even your cat. You usually came home in a good mood and told him about your day, but today you came home in tears.

"Scheiße," Hans said under his breath, getting up from the sofa to help you with your bags of groceries. "Who made you feel like this? Was it a boy? I swear I'll teach him a lesson."

You nodded softly, surrendering your bags to him. "I went on a date after work and after shopping. I didn't have time to dress up and he-" you sniffled pathetically, wiping your cheeks dry with shaking hands.

"What did he do?"

"He didn't do anything, but he asked why I couldn't wear makeup for our date. He said I wasn't very pretty."

Hans grumbled something in German as he set the groceries down. You didn't have time to say anything else before he stepped over to you and cupped your face.

"You are such a beautiful girl, you don't need to wear makeup. You're wonderful just the way you are and he is nothing," he coaxed, holding your face gently. "I am not letting you leave this house again unless you can tell yourself you're beautiful. Can you do that for me, Mein Liebling?"

You shook your head softly and Hans knew what was about to happen before you even opened your mouth. 

"I can't!" You wailed, coming absolutely undone. You hadn't known this man for long but there was something about him that made you feel like you could be vulnerable. "I can't...what if he's right?"

"No no no no," he fussed, still holding onto your face. "Don't let anyone make you feel this way about yourself. Du bist schön; you are beautiful! I'll kill him. Tell me his name."

You sniffled pitifully and shook your head, not taking him seriously although he truly meant it. He had only known you for a couple of weeks but he would kill for you.

"Okay...okay why don't we sit down and turn on the television? I'll make you some tea."

"No you should be resting, you're still hurt."

"Hört mir zu, meine Liebe. Listen to me. You have been nothing but kind to a man who could have killed you, the least I can do is make you tea." He finally let go of your face and gently guided you to the couch. "And once I am feeling better I will take this Christmas tree down for you. This room would feel bigger without it."

He fussed over you, tucking you into a blanket on the couch before turning on the television and handing you the remote. "There we go." He looked at the television screen and smiled. "See? You can watch the news broadcast while I make your tea, see if there's any rain coming."

You scoffed at the thought, shaking your head before curling up on your sofa. You couldn't deny you felt better now.

As the man made his way to the kitchen, you watched the local news station with disinterest. You were about to switch the channel when the headline caught your eye.

Hans Gruber suspected to be alive

You yawned and stretched a bit before finally switching the channel, settling on Singing in the Rain. "Harry," you called. "Come watch this with me!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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