Finally the big day arrives

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Finally the big day arrives, Joe and Jill are allowed to take the girl home. That day they went to the orphanage and they had boxes to put some of her toys. They also had brought toys for the other children.

Joe and Jill got the girl from the back and said "darling you are coming home. It's very pretty and you will love it." But on the way out, the carers said "are you sure you don't want the other kids?! You can have any other kid! Why do you want a kid who can't talk?! A normal 5 year old talks!" Joe then got angry and shouted "I WILL GET YOU FIRED! THIS GIRL IS SWEET AND KIND AND YOU HAVEN'T SHOWN HER ANY LOVE OR CARE! INSTEAD YOU BEAT HER AND HURT HER! KISS YOUR JOB GOODBYE!"

The girl got scared when Joe shouted, she was having a panic attack. She never heard him shout before. She became a bit reluctant about getting in the car. But Jill picked her up and sang to her and she became calm again. Then Jill and Joe opened the car door and all 3 of them went inside the car. Joe was driving whilst Jill was in the back with the girl. The girl started to play with her teddy bear in the car.

Then the next minute she was fast asleep.

Then about an hour later they arrived at the White House. The girl was still asleep so Jill carried her out of the car. Unfortunately the paparazzi was waiting for them. They made a lot of noise that they woke up the girl. Joe and Jill quickly made it inside the White House.

The girl was looking around in awe. The White House is so big. She couldn't believe she was in a place that big. Jill then smiled to the girl "do you want to see your bedroom?" The girl nodded with excitement.

Joe and Jill then gave the girl a tour inside the White House. Then they opened the door the the Oval Office and they were greeted by the family. There was a banner that read "welcome home!" Everyone was smiling but this is when the girl started to get very shy. Everyone in the family wanted to hug her and say hi but the girl was a bit scared when there are too many people around. But everyone was gentle and very respectful to the girl.

Joe asked the girl, "do you want to see your bedroom?" She smiled and so Joe picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. When he opened the door, there were about 20 teddy bears and lots of other toys. There was a Nintendo Wii and the bed was big. There was also a big tv. She couldn't believe it. Her new bedroom looked like a wonderland.

She went and sat on her bed and grabs some of the teddy bears and starts to hug them. Jill smiled.

Dinner was ready. So Joe, Jill and all the family went to have dinner at the table. The girl was so hungry. Everyone was talking about how sweet the little girl is. Then after dinner the family left. They all said goodbye. Then when they left, Joe and Jill were getting her ready for bed.

Then they placed the sleepy girl in the bed, kissed her forehead and told her goodnight. Then about 2 hours later the girl started screaming. She had a nightmare. Joe ran into the bedroom and was trying to calm her down but she wouldn't stop crying and screaming. She was crying for like 15 minutes. Then Jill carried the girl to her and Joe's bedroom and put her in the bed. Then they tucked her in and she felt a lot calmer. Next thing you know, Joe had his arm around her and was holding Jill's hand as she fell asleep.

Joe and Jill Biden adopts a young girlWhere stories live. Discover now