Chapter 1

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*I don't own any of the character*

Cristina P.O.V:
I am in the middle of 3D printing a replica of a heart I am going to do a surgery on when I feel my phone buzzing I look at it and the name that came up made me worry what had happened if Dr. Bailey is calling something must have happened. I answered as fast as I could worried I started pacing up and down the hall.
*call starts*
"Dr. Bailey is Meredith okay is it Alex what has he done now? Is it Zola Bailey or Ellis are they okay what's up?"
B-"Calm down Yang they are all fine but what I am offering you needs to be kept secret. I would like for you to come back to Grey Sloan and be co-headof cardio alongside of Dr. Altman and Dr. Pierce. We would really like it you would come and work for us again."
C-"Okay, are you drunk bailey because you are offering me a job back at Grey Sloan after I left to come work at the hospital Burke made. But if you are serious I would like to accept the offer I miss everyone and I would like to work at Grey Sloan again those were the best years of my life working there"
B-" First of all Yang I am not drunk this is a genuine offer I really want you to come and work here again I personally have missed you and I certainly know Alex and Meredith have as well. So I am taking your answer as a yes"
C-"Okay I am going to pack everything and I will be there in a few days are you asking anyone else?"
B-" I am going to be asking Torres, Robbins, Dr. Kepner and Dr. Montgomery as well I will be asking them over the next few days"
C-" okay can you wait till I get back to the states I am going to go to New York and try and find Callie and Arizona so I will be there when you ask I think we will then go to Addison and then April so we can be there when you ask them"
B-" sure I can but I've got to go now yang I have an appendectomy coming up and this man has a really nice family so have a good night see you in a few weeks"
*end of call*
I have decided to go home and pack a few cases and book a plane ticket for Thursday I am going to give the hospital to Shane Ross he has become a really good surgeon and deserves it.

*Time skip to Thursday*

The plane is about to take off and I start to get nervous and I start sweating I still hate getting the plane but it is a night flight so I am going to try to sleep through most of it. When I arrive I am going to the hotel then going to go out for a bit. After what seen like ages I am woken by a flight attendant telling me that we have landed. I get off the plane and get to the hotel I drop my bags off and decide to go out to get some food and a coffee. On the way a car flew past me through a red light and smashed into another car I run over and start help in the person in one of the cars. People around have called for ambulances I realise that this persons bone is sticking out of there leg. I tie a tourniquet around the top and manage to move her out the car as the ambulances pull up I stay with my patient the other paramedic are at the other car. We get to the hospital and are taken to a trauma room and my patient starts to crash. I start to do CPR. "Page ortho and get me a crash cart and push epi" I shouted
I carried on until my patient had a heartbeat.
"Yang is that you oh my god what are you doing why are you in New York I thought you was still in Zurich?" Asked a voice
I look up and see Callie Torres I then know that my patient was in capable hands. I then said "Torres where you been?" Causing a little chuckle from both of us. We found some ID on the women and it turns out she is also a few weeks pregnant so we paged fetal and OBGYN and a few minutes later Arizona Robbins comes in with the same reaction as Callie. I quickly explained the patient's situation and we took her up to a room. Her name is Chyler she has a husband and is and actor that's where I recognised her she was in supergirl. She also strangely looked a lot like Lexie.

Callie and Arizona invited me to lunch and we just caught up after years and they said I could stay with them and Sofia it would be like the old times. Honestly I missed them a lot they are such great people and I miss my goddaughter. At the end of their shift we go back to theirs and they also tell me that they are back together and that they are happy and really love each other. They also said that nobody knows and that they would like to keep it quiet. We then go get my stuff from my hotel room and pick up Sofia. I stand behind Arizona and Callie until she starts running towards them then they move so she sees me. She runs straight into my arms and starts laughing. How I've missed seeing everyone.

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