True Blood

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What is going on?
Last thing I was aware of was -
I died
The dust
The blood
The heightened senses
Those feelings weren't because I read Shakespeare for Class last week
"Argh"I let out a growl
Nik was now clinging onto my arm
I spared him a glance in the middle of my retrospection
Spared him a glance?
He is your little cousin
He has your dad's name
What is ...
Going ....
I mean I know all this
But I don't really seem to care
"Why aren't you lying on the floor kid?" I whisper to him
He lets out a whimper followed by an inaudible reply
I move in closer to hear him
Still inaudible
Did I happen to forget if my cousin was mute?
I don't thi-
Nik stabbed me
It's hilarious especially when you think about his namesake
My father
The stabbiest stabber of them all
Was that even a word?
Foggy brain all of a sudden
Oh and I seem to have lost sensation in my limbs
And torso
I smile at my only living family at the moment
Atleast this little guy stabbed me in the front

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