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• My Babies Accomplishments didn't phase anyone else    
  but it phase me "The Mother".
• My Babies making it to the Championship didn't
  phase anyone else but it phased me.
• My Babies passing every Grade didn't phase anyone
  else but it phase me.
• My Babies preparing to Graduate didn't did phase
  anyone else but Me It Phased Me.
• My Babies transitioning into their Personalities
  didn't phase anyone else but it phase me.

The speech on the Bitterness of Mother's,

Of what day they should doing or not doing which is interesting to the reality of the truth behind the scenes of a Single Mother.

But let's speak on the reality of the truth behind the scenes with Single Alpha Mothers 

The ones that have a career or a Job and other projects lined up

 And having no other choice but to balance out home and work 

And making sure to be in tuned and focus on your babies at all times,

 because it's absolutely no other being throughout the daily that is consistent. 

Or what about the Accomplishments you have be there virtually for because you can't get time off,

But they know it's you're there cheering them on. 

Let's not forget that we never want our children to go through any depress mood. 

So we channel up the reality that we can't do it by ourselves to actually say fuck it we got this. 

And really become Solid with the understanding that we really got this. 

Taking on miraculous projects to be financially stabled to make sure EVERYTHING is taken cared for. 

We have to show them we all we got, we protect their mental, their hearts and guard them, we hold them when they cry, we embrace them with kisses, we encourage them for greatness and we push them to manifest, we give them advice and we talk to them consistently. 

It's so much more we have to do, so we build villages within ourselves to be whole for them because it naturally takes a village.

And I can't speak for anybody else when I said that and when I say this, 

every bone in my body is tired of doing it alone. 

But I will do it proudly until my babies lay flowers on me for "I Am The Mother"

"The Mother".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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