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Ansh- I'm ready no need to call me. Good morning mom and dad and my sister Tashi (and he hugs her)

Ansh's pov- I love Tashi more than anything. She is to me like my younger and elder sister both. She guides me always but needs a shoulder to cry on many a times. All her life she has faced sorrows and I don't want her to face any now. She is always upset and prefers living a boring life which I hate. I once took her to a party but some stupid people talked about Tk chachu and Ashi chachi which made her upset a lot. I feel sorry for that and I make sure to be always with her. She doesn't like interacting with people. Mannat and me are the only people she talks to. But I love how mom and her are more like friends and she shares everything with her.

(Mannat comes and shouts from the door)

Mannat- Mamii (and hugs Aash)

Aash- How's college going?

Ansh- Full of boyfriends!

(Everyone laughs)

Mannat- Mami look at him na. If mom dad comes to know I'm here at your home and talking about my bf na, death.

Mannat's pov- I like being at Ansh's home. Aash mami is very understanding. No doubt mom was too but after Tk mamu left home mom has changed. I remember hearing a big fight from my room. It scared me so much but I was little to understand all those words together. She's so cold from outside. That day we did not lose our Aktk but also smile from everyone's face. Nani couldn't bear the news of their separation and she passed away. We have lost everyone. Nobody likes to talk about them here, so we can't really take their names. Dad a took a house in the neighbourhood so that us three kids could grow together. We grew together but now our parents don't talk to each other. What happened between Aktk was a mystery but that night what happened between Unnav and Aasan is still a mystery. Mom dad have no contact with mamu mami. They allowed me to come here when I was young but now No. They somewhere know that we are in contact but only in college. Don't know what happened and what will?

Ansh- We're getting late Mannat your bf must be waiting. Get lost in your thoughts later on.

Mannat- Mamii

Aash- Ansh don't. Btw where is Unnav? They don't know na you are here? You know they will scold you otherwise.

Mannat- Dad had a hearing so mom decided to assist him. The only time mom and dad are not at home, I can be here.

Tashi- lets go I have my first lecture important

Ansh- (folds his hand🙏🏻) Meri maa Leave your books sometimes. They might be bored of you. I know you will only be the topper (and laughs)

Tashi's pov- Ansh teases me always to make me smile. He doesn't know that I know his tricks and always fake a smile. How can I smile after everything I have lost.

[They three are in Car]

Ansh's pov- Our daily routine starts here.i drive them both to college. We always start a different topic talk but end up talking about the same old things.

Tashi- We still don't know why mom dad separated. We don't know what argument took place that night which split them all.

Mannat- We turned from 8 to 20 but they won't tell us.

Ansh- Only Tk chachu or Ashi chachi themselves can tell the truth.

Tashi- I wish badimaa told me.

Mannat- Now nobody will tell us.

Ansh- He have to find it on our own. I have a plan but nobody can know about it. Its risky and if dad knows he'll kill me.
Mannat- It will be out secret. Let's meet after college.

They meet after college and made a plan and then went back to their homes. Tashi is the quiet one. For her world is only her room. Tashi never really comes out of her room.

Ansh- Now she's gonna stay in her room. Let's prepare was her birthday.

Aash- You know you have to keep it simple.

Sanku- And make sure everything is perfect. It's my daughters birthday.

Aash- Everything will be special Sanku. Don't scold my son everytime.

Sanku- Hn you love only your son.

Ansh- Dad is jealous mom

(both Aash and Ansh laughs)

Aash- Call Mannat also. And ask her to come secretly only.

Ansh- Yes my mumma. I will do everything for my sister. You both don't worry. Everything will be best.

Time skips to night..

To be continued. Do share your reviews💜

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