You walked beside him and softly held his hand.

He looked down at his hand before forming a ball. He looked back at the window to see you there still. "Why are you here still?".

You shrugged as you turned and disappeared.

~time skip~

Crosshairs was laying down, looking through his scope. He was about to take the shot till you came out of nowhere.

"Remember you taught me to use your sniper!".

As you said that, He missed his shot. He took a deep breath before taking off his helmet. "Why are you so loud!, you were never this loud!".

"Times changed".

Crosshair rolled his eyes and stood up to walk somewhere. He kneeled down and stared into the water to see you standing behind him.

He slowly stood up, he quickly pulled out his sniper and shot at the water.

~back to you~

You fell out out bed while gasping for air. Omega quickly got out of bed and kneeled down to cup your face.


You looked into her brown orbs, you couldn't help but quickly cup her face "Oemga!" You pulled her close to you.

"Happy to see you too!" She smiled as he held you.

Hunter walked in to see you awake finally "I see your awake!".

You looked up at the clone "yea... how long was I out?".

"Couple weeks" tech came in and kneeled down to check you. "You have a fever".

"That's good!" You smiled softly.

"Thanks to Echo for taking care of you" hunter leaned again the beds as the rest of the guys came to check on you.

You looked up at wrecker with fear in your eyes, hunter sense that in you. "Alright, let (y/n) sleep, she needs her rest" he said as he chased. Omega to her room.

Echo and wrecker went to the front, tech went wherever he went, hunter came back and sat in the edge of the bed "you alright?" He asked.

"Umm... " you began picking at your fingernails "I'm scared.." you said softly.

"Of what?" He leans closer to you.

"Wrecker" you looked into his brown eyes, you softly touched your neck "wrecker did these..".

"Why?" He looked at you, you didn't say a word "trust me".

"You won't believe me anyways" you looked away from him.

"Tell me".

You look led down at your hands "I heard him say Good soldiers follow orders... like crosshairs".

"That can't be" hunter said softly.

You huffed while looking at your hands "told you, you won't believe me".

Hunter softly touched your hands which made you look up at him "if it's activated, I'll protect you and Omega, we all will" he said softly.

You smiled and softly grabbed his hands "promise?".

Hunter smiled as he touched foreheads with you "I promise!". He pulled away from you and stood up "alright get some rest, Cid wants us to do another job".

"You sure you want me to come?" You raised an eyebrow.

"You're part of the team".

You smiled up at him before laying down.

Luna (the bad batch x reader) Where stories live. Discover now