U.A Entrance Exam (Part 1)

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Izuku threw his alarm clock at the wall.

Thankfully, his past self had predicted this so the clock landed rather safely on a pile of plush toys he laid out.

Izuku groaned and rubbed his eyes. His patrol lasted for an extra two hours because he had to evade a bunch of heroes. Then he stumbled across a gang and tried mediating between the two sides. It went as well as expected. At least there were no casualties.

He still didn't get any sleep and had woken up many times throughout the night. By the time he actually fell asleep and was drifting off to dreamland, it was already morning.

Izuku was exhausted both physically and mentally. Thanks to his thrill ride, he ran on adrenaline the most of yesterday night. How he wished he could just go back and slap his past self to his bed.

A thought seeped into his head and Izuku shot up immediately.

The U.A hero exam was scheduled today.

Izuku buzzed with excitement. He had put a lot of effort into training for the past few months. While it left him a bit weary and more prone to getting captured, it was worth it.

Izuku mindlessly mulled over the fact that he was getting seen much more often ever since he decided to step out of the line and play a trick.

He quickly swept through his routine and threw on his gakuran. He packed his training clothes, which was just a skintight jumpsuit, and a bunch of other 'necessities' into his bag. He also slipped in a few knives and snacks since you could never be too careful.

Izuku rushed out the door and stumbled back in. He gently swung a case over his shoulders and closed his door. He greeted his mom, stuffed a bento in his bag and hurried out the door. While Izuku and Kacchan lived close to each other, they chose to meet up at U.A instead. Safe to say if one of them didn't show up, they better start running because the other was most definitely going to hunt them down.

Izuku made it to the gates and still saw no signs of Kacchan. Either he came earlier than him and was already inside or he wasn't there at all. Kacchan was the 'nerdy' type no matter how much he wouldn't admit it.

Great sleep schedule, balanced diet, perfect grades?

So Izuku trusted Kacchan not to be late. This was the U.A entrance exam, one they had been preparing for their entire life. No way Kacchan was going to sleep in or arrive late. Izuku paused just before he was about to enter and flipped a coin. Heads right outside, tails for inside already.

He personally guessed a heads.

And what do you know, it landed on heads. As Izuku tucked the coin into a hidden pocket on his uniform, he felt a hand smack him over the head. The familiar scent of burnt caramel also filled his senses and he turned around brightly.

"Kacchan!" In all his glory stood an irritated looking Kacchan. Just a hunch but Izuku felt he was annoyed because his greeting got the attention of some other examinees.

"You better not fucking die in the exam Zuku," It was faint but Izuku's senses weren't honed for nothing and he caught the small grumbling his friend did. Kacchan huffed slightly and walked away.

Izuku immediately brightened up and jumped on his back, taking care not to jostle the case haphazardly slung on his shoulder. Kacchan was used to this so he barely stumbled and ignored the hanging koala on his back. This shook the focused examinees and some slowed to watch their interaction.

Izuku hung on his back and smiled loosely. "Good luck to you too Kacchan!" This left many onlookers bewildered but Izuku could hardly care. He instead noticed a small twinkle out of the corner of his eye and followed it.

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