¡My thoughtful gift my husband gave me !

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Tw this book contains
Guts and organs
A lovely wedding day...

3rd person pov: as the days passes the closer the weeding was. But sal had the perfect present for his husband on their day... :)

Sals pov: as the wedding was coming the more nervous I was. But I knew I couldn't back down on this special day with Travis and then my phone rang.

Hi Jessica...
Hi sal
You got the present ready for travis?
Ofc sal...
Splendid! Well I see you at the weeding Jess...
Bye sal.
*Phone called ended*

Oh his gift would be great. I should know Jess and me got it ourselves after all...

•The day of the wedding!•

3rd person pov: the day of the wedding was finally here folks! Sals friends and family came including Travis's mom with was behind the gift that Travis would have. And oh boy it's a good gift... just read to see the gift ;)

Travis's pov: the day of the wedding was here at last. I was standing where the groom would usually stand at. And I heard the lovely bells chime and then I saw sal... instead of a suit it was a normal bride dress but instead of white it was black and I didn't mind it at all he was still lovely.

Idfk how like wedding vouiles go soooo let's just go to the you know at the end of the thing k? :)

Now travis would u accept sal as your new husband?
And you sal would u take Travis as your new husband?
And now sal and Travis I now comence you two husband and husband. (Im sorry idfk)

Me and then sal then kissed as the crowd cheered and was just happy overall.
As I was at the table with sal he said that he has a special gift but he everyone will have to leave I shock my head ok and overall excited to see my gift.

When everyone left my mom was still here apparently she was going to show me and sal to the gift. As I followed them deep into the woods I could see a lady sitting on a tall tree branch and then she jumped down but not getting hurt. It took me some time to realize that it was the same lady that I've meet at the hospital when I was younger... she then said some weird words and the earth was shaking heavily.

When the earth was done shaking I then saw... DAD! But he was pinned into a wooden wall. I was so terrified but at the same time I was out of joy... was I going to beat him up? If I did then I would do so no questions asked. So trav this is your special gift do u like it? Sal said. What are u kidding me? THIS IS A WONDERFUL GIFT! Son... you'll get to beat him up till he dies and you get to pick your tools to hurt him with. My mom said with glee in her voice. Ok mom... I then got a knife and waited till he woke up so he can see me.

When he did she me he was surprised at me.

Oh you know what I'm going to do with it dad. Besides didn't you beat me and mom? Well consider it being a taste of your own medicine?
W-wait Travis you don't want to do this to me you're bluffing you won't stab me with that knife.
Oh I'm the one bluffing oh ok....

I then raised the knife to his arm it was bleeding like hell but instead of blood it was flowers but covered in a bit of blood. It felt so calming to see flowers come out of my abuser.
T-Travis stop this now boy!
No and it's my gift it would be rude to not accept it.
N-no Travis NO!

I then began to stab my dad with the knife and he screamed and cried with pain in his voice.
Oh dad I thought crying was for f@gs? And your not a f@g r u?
Yeah that's what I thought... now let's continue shall we?

I then walked to the table of weapons and got a gun. I loaded the gun and shoot him in both legs. He tried to hold in his cries and screams but he failed. He let out a loud scream that echoed through the woods. OH SHUT UP! IF I WERE TO YELL FOR HELP YOULL HIT ME AGAIN! SO SHUT THE HELL UP BITCH!!!!
I had enough of his pity screams so I decided on doing something more.... bloody. I then grabbed the chainsaw from the table.

Any last words farther?
J-just let me go... I could start again and be a better dad. The dad u always wanted....
Oh dad... that's not going to happen. You failed as a parent and now you don't get another chance YOU CUNT!

I then leaned the chainsaw to his stomach and sliced through it. Almost all of his organs fel out of him became to cry and scream for help but he then died seconds later.

Wow... thank you sal and mom as well for this wonderful gift. I love it deeply. Your welcome babe. I then leaned over to my dads body and picked up a blue flower with some blood on it. I then placed the flower on sal's hair he loved it and then he grabbed a yellow one for me and put it on my head. I loved it as well. I then kissed sal on his mask and then I remembered that there was blood all over me but it seemed like moms friend cleaned it all up for me.

Let's go home sal. Ofc hon. Me and sal then walked to our car and drove home... now thats a wedding I'll never forget..... me and sal then lived happily and we decided on adopting 2 kids that were twins and their names are brice and ruby. They're both 11 years old. They are so wonderful. And dad well let's just say it's kinda hot down there if u know what I mean ;)


Word count:1076 ( that was the most words in a chapter I've ever did😮‍💨)

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