☁︎ 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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The dancing silhouettes of curtains were apparent across the room. The warm and orange glow of the sun was between the shadows.

Upon opening your eyes, a man with long rosy strands of hair was visible. His sapphire eyes were darting on yours, examining your features.

He caressed your face, analyzing and praising it on his mind. His touch was soft and gentle, who would think this man is a criminal.

"Sanzu?!" You immediately jumped on the bed, wiping out his hands on your skin.

His eyes were still drowsy watching you hopped. He didn't answer back and was busy arranging the pillows that fell from your hop.

"Oi oi why am I here?" you soon asked, getting closer to the sleepy man to hear your voice.

"Shut up! Your drunk ass invited you here." His voice was loud reverberating through your mind. It was a tone of annoyance.

You quickly deciphered the events last night that took you a while to respond to him back. Wait...

"Oi did I do something reckless?" You questioned the man again, he was now sitting on his bed ready his self to stand up.

He adjusted his blanket a little before standing and staring at you. It was scary. A scary and alarming gaze that confirmed yourself that you performed something nasty.

"You entered my room and throw up stinky shits on my bed."
His face was plastered with a serious expression that made the room filled with silence for a while.

After hearing that statement, your body froze like a statue. "What the fuck?" "I did that shit? That was embarrassing" some sentence came through your mind.

Reaching back in the reality you closed your eyes reckoning for a better comeback. "Ohh"

"Wait...then why did you stare at me like you saw some ghost!?" The tone of irritation and annoyance was being expressed through your mouth.

Hearing your response he just stared
at you for a good 10 seconds after giving a small laugh while forming a stone form covering his mouth.

"I can't help it? it's not my fault if you look like some good drugs." He glanced at you for a bit after giving a small chuckle.

"Wait what" you immediately turn in a different direction to cover your tomato face. "This bitch"

"You turned red just by that? What a silly thing" He giggles before getting closer to your stunned body.

He lifted his hands to tap your shoulders, getting closer to your face.

The expensive perfume of his clothes was being filled on your nose.

He was getting closer and closer to your lips but then suddenly he was aiming at your ears.

"You thought I would kiss you? Haha, don't worry I wasn't lying about earlier. I bet your lips smell gross so take a bath first, okay?"

Okay, this is cheesy and trash, but I ran out of ideas so... I don't have a choice but to publish it.💀

Tokyo Revengers One Shots / ImagineUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum