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As Zaira pushed off for her vacation and Lando busied himself in prepping for the Baku GP, their texts were scarce. He would look at her story, her at the beach, the food they were having and drinks; somehow Lando's heart would dip every time he saw Zaira and her friends out partying, don't get him wrong, he loved the fact she was having fun but he missed her so much, the feeling of her hands in his hair, her smile when they kissed, her witty remarks. The thought of her bumping into some dude just like she did with him made him visibly wince but he consoled himself that it was a couple of days since he would see her again.
As thursday passed by and his media commitments took over the day, when he got into bed and saw the clock strike 9, his heart fluttered, she's gonna be here tomorrow he smiled to himself, he had spoken to Carlos about her coming and was hoping that he could introduce her to him as his what? He wasn't sure but he knew he wanted her to meet Carlos and wanted Carlos to like her, I mean why wouldn't he? Everyone liked Zaira, it was tough not to like her. Happy like a 2 year old before a school trip as he buried his head in the pillow.
As Zaira and the girls arrived and taxi-ed to the Hilton, she texted Lando, "T minus 30!" To which he had instantly responded "can't wait, text me once u reach". "So Zaira what are we seeing Lando as? Your friend? Your situation? Boyfriend?" Lia asked, "um my friend, i guess" Zaira said, keeping her eyes low, "hmm and just so we are all on the same page, have we ever kissed this said friend?" Lia continued, may you little bitch, thought Zaira, "Ugh maybe" "WHAT" said Lia, "YOU KISSED HIM? WHAT WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN HOLD ON" screamed Aubrey, "wait did u guys not know? Did i just snitch on myself?" Said Zai putting her head between her hands hiding it, "hmm guys looks like we have the perfect piece to make Zai do the dirty work this weekend. Do it or we will simply tell Lando you told us all the details about your kiss" Zaira winced at the thought of Lando finding out she was one to kiss and tell cause she really wasn'f, "what bags do i need to carry" said Zaira, pushing her sleeves up as they arrived and the girls chuckled. As they checked into their suite, they found a champagne bottle with a scrawly note, "welcome to baku :) - LN" "ZAIRA THAT IS SO CUTE MAN WTF" Said Aubrey, "The bar is so low for you its literally the basement" Said Zaira, taking the note from her hands and secretly smiling. She loved handwritten notes. This was his first hand written note to her. As she put it in her purse, "So um Zai said Lando's gonna be back by dinner, so just rest up till then?" May asked, "works for me" Said Lia who was on the verge of passing out with her hangover.
Zaira's phone rang she picked it up close eyed not looking at the caller name to let out a muffled "hello Zai Aberdeen" head buried in the pillow, "Oh hello Zai Aberdeen, Lando Norris" he said laughing, Zai's head shot up, "oh god, I'm so sorry me and the girls we exhausted we just kinda passed out, whats the plan?" She looked around to see May not in bed with her, "um its dinner time so you guys want to go downstairs for dinner? I mean we could go out too if you want" he said, "Lemme ask the girls and text you" she said peeping into the dining room to see them sitting there on their phones, "alright im ready so let me know" he said. As the girls decided staying in was the best option and Zaira got ready, she could hear them joke, "I bet Zai wouldn't be sleeping in the suite tonight" said Aubrey, "Would be nice to have the bed to myself to be honest" said May, "I can bet on the fact that I would be here tonight" She screamed across the rooms, biting her lip, did she really want to sleep in the suite tonight? "Zai if you spend the night here and with No sneaking to go make out throughout dinner too. We will literally go to that dumb museum on wednesday before we go back to the uk" she weighed her pros and cons, one night? I mean she could stay here right. Its not like she was seeing her boyfriend after months. He was just a friend. Right?
"Deal" She said.
As they walked into the dining lobby, they saw Lando sitting there with a couple of his mates. "This feels so surreal" Said Aubrey as she saw the people she had seen on netflix literally in real life, "Hi im Lando" he said, smiling, "Hiii Lando" the three of them said in unison, causing Zaira to facepalm, these fuckers. As they all settled in. Lando sat right next to Zai, "Sorry for that" she whispered, "hahah typical mates" he said, "So" he said looking her in her eyes, a smile on his face, god he missed her, he couldnt even fully grasp that she was here with him, big brown eyes hair in ponytail, lil white dress, everything felt like it was at home, settled down. "How has ur day in Baku?" He continued, "you mean our day in bed?" She said picking up a breadstick, "tomorrow will be fun" he said, "So Lando Zai um what are you guys" asked Russel, causing Carlos to face palm, "um we're friends?" Said Zaira look at him questionably unsure of the words that were coming out of her own mouth, "hmmm friends, Lando's never had a friend before especially not one he wildly looks for his phone to respond to after getting out of the car especially" He said, Lando's entire face going red and Zaira's friends giggling, "Untrue" said Lando, he didn't want to get ahead of himself and make Zaira uncomfortable, "So you're texting other girls?" damn dug his own grave, everyone's eyes on the table were on him except Zaira's who couldn't manage to look at him, the though of the answer being a yes made her heart sink into her stomach, "um no, can u just. Stop" Said Lando taking a huge sip out of his drink, Zaira finally breathed, while everyone else at the table laughed.

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